> 60K inserts per second key value store to be used from Java

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Am working on custom solution where I need to store huge data to file/db at the speed of 60K records per second. This data is result of incoming continuous stream.

  1. leveldb - it can NOT be accessed simultaneously from multiple java processes

  2. berkleydb/kyoto cabinet : prohibitive commercial license

  3. sqlite : Tried sqlite4java but it doesnt support bulk operations and is not performing at the required speed. Also tried jdbc wrapper(http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/) this also doesnt perform at the required speed.

Can someone please suggest me solution which will just allow me to dump data to db/file and can be accessed by multiple processes(+threads)?


There are 5 best solutions below


Can someone please suggest me solution which will just allow me to dump data to db/file and can be accessed by multiple processes(+threads)?

If you want access from multiple processes, multiple threads and/or both, then it's very difficult to reach your goal of 60k records per second simply because disk I/O is not very efficient when you're using multiple threads/processes. Any solution that you have would need to reduce to the same basic model: only one thread can write to LevelDB.

If you want cross-process access to LevelDB, then you can write a very simple communication layer between your processes using sockets or pipes. You would dedicate a single process to accept multiple socket or pipe connections from all the client processes and you would accept streaming data. You then write your data to LevelDB from that process- let's call that the data process.

The data process will have multiple threads that supply data, but only one reading/writing thread that reads/writes data into LevelDB, so it might also be a good idea to use a BlockingQueue which the client threads would enqueue records to and the data thread will read records from (blocking if there is no data).


You could try MySQL InnoDB. I can't say if its fast enough for you, but multiple processes can access different tuples of data (locking is per row).


Try Redis, is very fast, you have the possibility to save your data on ram and later to disk, good solution for you problem i think.

Here the clients lib for java.


Try sqlite-jdbc library http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-jdbc/ It is a JDBC wrapper on native dll/so implementations.


Try RocksDB by Facebook. It can be accessed from java and from multiple threads. It has better performance than LevelDB.