Aca-py 0.6.0: INFO Ledger instance not provided error/bug?

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i am new to Hyperledger Aries and i can´t figure out what i am doing wrong.


  • Ubuntu16LTS
  • Docker 18.09.7 build 2d0083d
  • hyperledger-aries-python version: 0.6.0 (sourcecode)

From the aca-py repo ( i run:

./scripts/run_docker start -e http://host.docker.internal:8000 -it http 8000 -ot http --admin 11000 --admin-insecure-mode --log-level DEBUG --genesis-url --trace

NOTE: I have tried different pool_genesis_transaction files and tried to pass them in various ways (via URL, via a File located in the docker conainer). It always drops the same or similar Info:

2021-03-12 09:48:32,311 aries_cloudagent.config.ledger INFO Ledger instance not provided
2021-03-12 09:48:32,312 aries_cloudagent.core.conductor WARNING No ledger configured

Here is the full output:

2021-03-12 09:48:31,035 asyncio DEBUG Using selector: EpollSelector
2021-03-12 09:48:31,036 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.out_of_band
2021-03-12 09:48:31,037 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.actionmenu
2021-03-12 09:48:31,038 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.routing
2021-03-12 09:48:31,039 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.discovery
2021-03-12 09:48:31,041 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.introduction
2021-03-12 09:48:31,041 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.problem_report
2021-03-12 09:48:31,042 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.coordinate_mediation
2021-03-12 09:48:31,043 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.present_proof
2021-03-12 09:48:31,044 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.trustping
2021-03-12 09:48:31,045 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.didexchange
2021-03-12 09:48:31,047 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.issue_credential
2021-03-12 09:48:31,048 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.basicmessage
2021-03-12 09:48:31,050 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.protocols.connections
2021-03-12 09:48:31,051 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.holder
2021-03-12 09:48:31,057 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.ledger
2021-03-12 09:48:31,072 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.messaging.credential_definitions
2021-03-12 09:48:31,085 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.messaging.schemas
2021-03-12 09:48:31,091 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.revocation
2021-03-12 09:48:31,105 aries_cloudagent.core.plugin_registry DEBUG Loaded module: aries_cloudagent.wallet
2021-03-12 09:48:31,119 aries_cloudagent.config.ledger INFO Fetching genesis transactions from:
2021-03-12 09:48:32,302 aries_cloudagent.core.profile INFO Create profile manager: in_memory
2021-03-12 09:48:32,311 aries_cloudagent.config.ledger INFO Ledger instance not provided
2021-03-12 09:48:32,312 aries_cloudagent.core.conductor WARNING No ledger configured

:: Aries Cloud Agent ::
:: ::
:: ::
:: Inbound Transports: ::
:: ::
:: - ::
:: ::
:: Outbound Transports: ::
:: ::
:: - http ::
:: - https ::
:: ::
:: Administration API: ::
:: ::
:: - ::
:: ::
:: ver: 0.6.0 ::


Looking in the demos i just dont know why my aries can not connect to any indy-ledger. Using indy-cli with the same genesis-files worked fine. The CLI was able to connect so i assume that all pool_genesis_files where correct.

Am i doing something wrong or is something missing?


There are 1 best solutions below


I finaly found the solution. The Story how i found it:

Short Story:

Prerequisites: Install indy-sdk, aries-cloudagent, python3_indy and python 3.6.9+ on your machine. See the long story if you don´t know how to do that. Python 3.6.9 comes out of the box with Ubuntu18LTS

  1. install aries-cloudagent-python (aca-py) localy.
  2. run aca-py first with the provision command to config your aca-py instance. Use the argument wallet-type indy for that
  3. run aca-py normaly with the start command and your config-params. Be sure to use the --wallet-type indy flag to be able to connect to an indy ledger

Long Story:

Inside the aries-cloudagent-python (aca-py) code, it seems that the configuration, which ledger to use (e.g. an indy ledger) comes from the specified wallet type.

1st.: providing arguments: --wallet-type indy -> this returned the error, that --wallet-name and --wallet-key parameters are needed. So i provided them:

./scripts/run_docker start 
-it http 8000 
-ot http
--admin 11000
--log-level DEBUG
--wallet-type indy 
--wallet-name test 
--wallet-key 12345

2nd.: This results in the following error, telling that no Database for the wallet is provided.

2021-03-16 09:19:45,447 indy.libindy DEBUG _indy_loop_callback: >>> command_handle: 0, err , args: (0,)
2021-03-16 09:19:45,447 indy.libindy WARNING _indy_loop_callback: Function returned error 
2021-03-16 09:19:45,449 indy.libindy DEBUG _indy_loop_callback <<<
2021-03-16 09:19:45,449 aries_cloudagent.commands.start ERROR Exception during startup:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/indy/sdk/", line 169, in open_wallet
  File "/home/indy/.pyenv/versions/3.6.13/lib/python3.6/site-packages/indy/", line 127, in open_wallet

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/commands/", line 72, in init
    await startup
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/commands/", line 28, in start_app
    await conductor.setup()
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/core/", line 91, in setup
    self.root_profile, self.setup_public_did = await wallet_config(context)
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/config/", line 40, in wallet_config
    profile = await, profile_cfg)
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/indy/sdk/", line 161, in open
    opened = await indy_config.open_wallet()
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/indy/sdk/", line 182, in open_wallet
    ) from x_indy
  File "/home/indy/aries_cloudagent/indy/sdk/", line 169, in open_wallet
  File "/home/indy/.pyenv/versions/3.6.13/lib/python3.6/site-packages/indy/", line 127, in open_wallet
aries_cloudagent.core.error.ProfileNotFoundError: Wallet 'test' not found: Error: Wallet not found
  Caused by: No wallet database exists

3rd.: The documentation of aca-py at explicitly says:

Running Locally: For local development, we recommend using the provided Docker scripts to run the ACA-Py software

4th.: aca-py is able to use sqlite, which is installed in the docker container. To see that aca-py is compatible with sqlite, run

./scripts/run_docker start --help

which returns the list of available arguments. One is the following:

--wallet-storage-type <storage-type>
                        Specifies the type of Indy wallet backend to use.
                        Supported internal storage types are 'basic' (memory),
                        'default' (sqlite), and 'postgres_storage'. The
                        default, if not specified, is 'default'. [env var:

5th: Running

./scripts/run_docker provision 
-e http 
--wallet-type indy 
--wallet-name test 
--wallet-key 12345


Successfully tagged aries-cloudagent-run:latest
Created new profile
Profile backend: indy
Profile name: test
No public DID
Ledger configured

This is weird, because now he is able to find sqlite. This seems to configure the Database properly so it can be used. But because it is inside a docker container, and the container discarding every change, this internal configuration will never be available.

6th. To solve this, i´ve installed on an Ubuntu18LTS the aries cloud-agent package localy from

pip3 install aries-cloudagent
pip3 install python3_indy

and followed the installation instructions for the indy-sdk

I also installed sqlite on the local machine with:

sudo apt install sqlite

7th.: After i rebooted the system, i executed:

aca-py provision -e --genesis-url --recreate-wallet --wallet-type indy --wallet-name test --wallet-key test


Created new profile
Profile backend: indy
Profile name: test
No public DID
Ledger configured

8th.: After that, i cloud run aca-py and connect to my ledger using the admin-REST-api

enter image description here