Accelerating 2D FFT(W) of C-contiguous, aligned array

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I'm doing 2D FFTs of 2D arrays of complex numbers using pyFFTW. These arrays can get very large (~128 GiB), so execution time is crucial. (The background is wavefront propagation in optical physics.)

Have a look at the following toy code:

import numpy as np
import pyfftw
import multiprocessing

a = np.random.rand(16384, 16384) + 1j*np.random.rand(16384, 16384)

fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, a, axes = (0, 1), direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD', flags = ('FFTW_ESTIMATE', 'FFTW_UNALIGNED', 'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT',), threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count())
a = fft()

The FFT takes some seconds to execute on my modern 64-bit machine.

Both the result and the execution time remain the same when doing the 2D FFT in two steps (1D-FFTs of all columns and of all rows):

fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, a, axes = (0,), direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD', flags = ('FFTW_ESTIMATE', 'FFTW_UNALIGNED', 'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT',), threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count())
a = fft()
fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, a, axes = (1,), direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD', flags = ('FFTW_ESTIMATE', 'FFTW_UNALIGNED', 'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT',), threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count())
a = fft()

However, taking the time of these steps individually shows that the column-FFT is roughly 10 times slower than the row-FFT.

The reason, I guess, is the fact that the array is saved to physical RAM row by row. Indeed, a.flags gives


while a.strides gives

(262144, 16)

So, the array is C-contiguous and seems to be correctly aligned. However, removing the flag 'FFTW_UNALIGNED' makes the column-FFT roughly another 10 times slower (while the row-FFT becomes slightly faster).

Hence, my questions is:

Might there be something wrong with the alignment or is a 10 times slower access to columns than to rows for C-contiguous arrays the physical limit?

EDIT: Indeed, a factor of 10 seems to be too large. Let's compare simple read/write access of rows and columns:




Multiplying the columns with an even index (first variant) is about 2 times slower than multiplying the rows with an even index (second variant).

EDIT: The exact code entered in ipython is

In [1]: import pyfftw

In [2]: import multiprocessing

In [3]: a = np.random.rand(16384, 16384) + 1j*np.random.rand(16384, 16384)

In [4]: fft = pyfftw.FFTW(a, a, axes = (0, 1), direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD', flags = ('FFTW_ESTIMATE', 'FFTW_UNALIGNED', 'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT',), threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count())

In [5]: %timeit a = fft()

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