Access an API from within localstack

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I have a step function stack deployed within localstack.

One step is to call an external API which is hosted on

The problem is that it seems localstack overrides this domain to be localhost (127.0.0.x)

I tried this

zone_id=$(awslocal route53 create-hosted-zone \
    \--name \
    \--caller-reference r1 | jq -r '.HostedZone.Id')

awslocal route53 change-resource-record-sets \
    \--hosted-zone-id $zone_id \
    \--change-batch 'Changes=\[{Action=CREATE,ResourceRecordSet={,Type=A,ResourceRecords=\[{Value=XX.XX.XX.XX}\]}}\]'

I did this for all subdomains to no avail.

Which works well with other domains but not

So my question is.. is there a way to override specific domains to allow it to point to other IPs?

Note: I cannot set the external domain name to anything else or change my hosts file locally (corporate machine restrictions)


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