I tried to encapsulate the gesture in a class and then call it in another view. My project can run well, and it can be built well. but Xcode12 give me a pink error. This is my code

class GestureClass: ObservableObject {
    private var minZoom:CGFloat=1
    private var maxZoom:CGFloat=4.00
    @GestureState private var magnificationLevel:CGFloat=1
    @Published public var zoomLevel:CGFloat=1
    @Published public var current:CGFloat=1
    var magnify: some Gesture {
        .updating($magnificationLevel, body:{(value,state,_) in
           return state=value
        .onChanged({ value in
            self.current = value
        .onEnded({ value in
            self.zoomLevel = self.setZoom(value)
            self.current = 1
    func setZoom(_ gesturevalue:CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        return max(min(self.zoomLevel*gesturevalue, self.maxZoom), self.minZoom)
    func gestureresult() -> CGFloat {
        return self.setZoom(self.current)

struct GestureModelView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var gesturemodel:GestureClass
    var body: some View {
        let myges = gesturemodel.magnify
        HStack {
                .frame(width:200*gesturemodel.gestureresult(), height:200)

There are 1 best solutions below


I deleted this code in the computed property, and the error disappeared. But i really don't know why。

.updating($magnificationLevel, body:{(value,state,_) in
           return state=value