Actions on Google - Where to find Up-to-date documentation for gactions CLI

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I'm just starting to develop an app for Google Assistant using the Actions SDK for Node.js; I'm completely new to the environment. I've been following this guide:

However, I get stuck at step 4 under "Install the gactions command-line tool." The guide says to use the command "gactions login" to authenticate the CLI, however "login" is not a valid command with the most up-to-date version of the gactions CLI as far as I can tell. When I run gactions --help for available commands I get this:

   gactions - The Actions on Google command line interface that you can use to test and update your app for the Assistant.

   gactions.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   init        Create a default action.json file
   test        Takes the specified app for the Assistant and makes it available for previewing/simulation
   update      Updates the draft action in the app for the Assistant for the given project
   list        List up to 10 recent versions of your app for the Assistant: in review, production, approved, etc
   get         Get the contents of a given version of your app for the Assistant
   selfupdate  Checks for updates for this tool
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --verbose, -v  Show more detailed output
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -V  print the version

With the very limited number of commands available to me with my version of gactions CLI, it seems like I need to deploy my app before I can start using the gactions CLI with it, which doesn't make any sense to me. Why would I deploy an empty Actions project just so I can start working on it with gactions?

The documentation I found for gactions CLI ( seems equally out-of-date. Does anyone know where I can find up-to-date docs for gactions CLI?


There are 1 best solutions below


If you look at the Install Gactions section of the quickstart, you should find the appropriate download for the latest binary, v3.1.0. The reference page for gactions v3+ has more information about it.