Adding new Basemap to Arcgis map using React

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In the Arcgis developer webpage, there is an article on how to add a new custom baseMap with custom API url. Which looks like this:

  ], function (esriBasemaps, Map){
    esriBasemaps.delorme = {
      baseMapLayers: [{url: ""}
      thumbnailUrl: "",
      title: "Delorme"

    var map = new Map("ui-map", {
      basemap: "delorme",
      center: [-111.879655861, 40.571338776], // long, lat
      zoom: 13,
      sliderStyle: "small"

Now I dont reallt understand how to do the same using react-arcgis. It seems that there is no built method in react-arcgis to use custom API url`` as BaseMapbut is there an option to do something similar inReact` ? = 'streets-relief-vector';

Instead of using the built in basemap strings.

Created also a simple CodeSandbox to test this out.


There are 1 best solutions below


You can set basemap like this

<Map mapProperties={{ basemap: "streets-relief-vector" }}>