Adding SourceAccountID to AWS Config Aggregator Using the AWS-CDK

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I am currently trying to create an aggregator for all of the config rules I created in order for a client to have a centralized place to view all regions config metrics.

Here is my code to create the configAggregator:

            //adding role for configAggregator
            const configAggregatorRole = new iam.Role(this, 'configAggregatorRole' ,{
              assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('')


            //adding a content aggregator for managed config rules below
            const globalConfigAggregator = new config.CfnConfigurationAggregator(this, 'globalConfigAggregator',{
              configurationAggregatorName: 'globalConfigAggregator',
                AccountAggregationSourceProperty: {
                  accountIds : this.account 


I am currently trying to figure out what I should pass to specify that I want this account and x region to be the aggregated view of all the config rules in all the regions in that account. I am not sure how to do this. Thank you!


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