Adding supplementary (passive) species post-hoc to a CCA ordination by projection

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I have created a CCA ordination using 'vegan' on R. I have three additional species (supplementary/passive species) I would like to plot on the ordination (post-hoc) so that they do not affect the initial plotting of species and environmental variables when the CCA model is being run. I have read that this may be possible using the predict() function and the created CCA model but so far, I have been unsuccessful.

The r script I have used for the dune dataset found in vegan is below


# Run CCA
cca_model <- cca(formula=dune[1:27] ~., data=dune.env)

# Create passive dataset

#predict the passive dataset
passive_projection <- predict(cca_model, newdata = passive_data, type = "response")

I have tried to use the predict function above with the following error message showing: Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'A1' not found


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