All HTML5 structural elements?

194 Views Asked by At

I'm sorry for bothering you, but can you tell me (or just copy) all html5 structural elements, I'm googling but there is information only about new html5 elements, old one are excluded. And when i googled HTML structural elements, every site write different elements. I have to write about html5 structural elements for exam in my school.

Thank you.


There are 2 best solutions below


Here is a link from the World Wide Web Consortium Wiki:

According to it the old structural elements of HTML are:

  • div
  • span

and the new ones from HTML5 are:

  • header
  • footer
  • nav
  • article
  • section
  • aside

I hope this helps you.


Sounds like you might want to take a look at this - the documentation on Element by the Mozilla Developer Network.

It looks like they did miss one (as pointed out by cezar) in that list though, aside. Somebody should fix that. ;)

This also would probably be probably interesting to look at.