Amazon.Transfer.Model.InvalidRequestException: Cannot set HomeDirectory for LOGICAL HomeDirectoryType

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I have a Dictionary<int, string> which contains a list of DepartmentIds and its s3 folder names. For e.g., { {key=1, value="dept-1"}, {key=2, value="dept-2"} } etc. For each of those s3 folders, I would like to create a user user-dept-group-{DepartmentId} mapped logically to its SFTP server folder. For e.g., user-dept-group-1 will have a logical folder dept-1 mapped to my-s3-bucket/dept-1 in the aws sftp server. Below is the code I was using and I am always getting Cannot set HomeDirectory for LOGICAL HomeDirectoryType error.

If I comment the HomeDirectoryMappings and set the HomeDirectoryType to HomeDirectoryType.PATH, then I see the user getting created.

public async Task<List<CreateUserResponse>> SetupSftpUser(Dictionary<int, string> masterDeptFolders)
    var result = new List<CreateUserResponse>();
    var awsTransferClient = new AmazonTransferClient(AwsAccessKey, AwsSecretKey, RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
    foreach (var (key, folder) in masterDeptFolders)
    var createUserRequest = new CreateUserRequest
        HomeDirectory = $"/{ParentBucketName}/{folder}/",
        HomeDirectoryMappings = new List<HomeDirectoryMapEntry>{new HomeDirectoryMapEntry{Entry = $"/{folder}", Target = $"/{ParentBucketName}/{folder}" } },
        HomeDirectoryType = HomeDirectoryType.LOGICAL,
        // Policy = GetSftpPolicy(),
        Tags = GetTags(key, folder),
        ServerId = SftpServerId,
        UserName = $"user-dept-group-{key}",
        Role = SftpRole,
        //SshPublicKeyBody = "MY_DEPT_SSH.PUB_FILE"

    var response = await awsTransferClient.CreateUserAsync(createUserRequest);
    if (response.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

    return result;

EDIT: One thing I noticed in all the examples is the s3 bucket folder names are mentioned as <s3bucket>/home/username. Should I need to have this folder structure to make it work?


There are 1 best solutions below


I found out that the HomeDirectory was not needed and the Entry value must be set to \. Below is how the createUserRequest look like.

var createUserRequest = new CreateUserRequest
    HomeDirectoryMappings = new List<HomeDirectoryMapEntry>{new HomeDirectoryMapEntry{Entry = "/", Target = $"/{ParentBucketName}/{folder}" } },
    HomeDirectoryType = HomeDirectoryType.LOGICAL,
    // Policy = GetSftpPolicy(),
    Tags = GetTags(key, folder),
    ServerId = SftpServerId,
    UserName = $"user-dept-group-{key}",
    Role = SftpRole,
    //SshPublicKeyBody = "MY_DEPT_SSH.PUB_FILE"