Android annotation Rest Client code generation error

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I'm using android annotation within Android Studio and I encounter an issue when implementing a rest client. My code below.

Anyone can help on this?

i try to create a simple restClient

here is my RestClient Code :+1:

@Rest(rootUrl = "",converters = { ProductMessageConverter.class, StringHttpMessageConverter.class })
public interface MyRestClient {
    ProductList getAll();

    void deleteById(Integer id);

When building the project I got this error :

Error:(40, 25) error: reference to exchange is ambiguous both method exchange(String,HttpMethod,HttpEntity,Class,Map) in RestTemplate and method exchange(String,HttpMethod,HttpEntity,ParameterizedTypeReference,Map) in RestTemplate match where T#1,T#2 are type-variables: T#1 extends Object declared in method exchange(String,HttpMethod,HttpEntity,Class,Map) T#2 extends Object declared in method exchange(String,HttpMethod,HttpEntity,ParameterizedTypeReference,Map)

And I see this class is generated by Android-annotation :

public final class MyRestClient_
    implements MyRestClient

    private String rootUrl;
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public MyRestClient_(Context context) {
        rootUrl = "";
        restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new ProductMessageConverter());
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

    public ProductList getAll() {`enter code here`
        return"/all"), HttpMethod.GET, null, ProductList.class).getBody();

    public void deleteById(Integer id) {
            HashMap<String, Object> urlVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            urlVariables.put("id", id);
/*ERROR IS BECAUSE OF THE NEXT LINE*/   "/id/{id}"), HttpMethod.DELETE, null, null, urlVariables);


There are 1 best solutions below


I also posting the answer here for convenience.

The problem here is Spring for Android 2.0 introduced a new overload of the exchange method, for the new generics support. This made the calls generated by AA ambigous. The problem is solved from AndroidAnnotations version 3.3. But you should upgrade to 3.3.1, which is the current latest version. See this for more info.