Android AssetPackManager registerListener SecurityException

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To get a large amount of image into my app I use AssetPackManager, and that works well, up to Android 14, where the following error is produced:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts.

Looking around for solutions, both in code and on the internet, I could not find anything. The log points to the next code:

assetPackManager?.let {

And that uses:

var mAssetPackStateUpdateListener = AssetPackStateUpdateListener { state ->

Checked Google Play Asset Delivery library: implementation ''

But I cannot find where to set RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED.

What I am going to dig into is where the OS UI shows the download. I have no receivers on that, but the OS does show something is going on.

Has anyone experience with this error in combination with Asset Packs?


There are 1 best solutions below


CommonsWare put me on the right track.

Android AssetPack have been changed somewhere in the last few years. is deprecated!

Use the following (or newer, check link)

// For Java:
implementation ""
// For Kotlin use asset-delivery-ktx
implementation ""

So, I was using an old library and testing, with hundreds op people, did not pick this up...

*Will come back to see if this fixes things in the wild.