Android BLE scanning not parsing ScanRecord on some devices

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My problem is the that on some devices the ScanResult.getDevice() or ScanResult.getScanRecord() both return null on some Android devices but works fine on most. If I can't call getDevice() reliably how can I connect?

When I look at the toString of results in my onScanResult of the callback I do see a small difference between devices that work and do not.

This is the result string with a failing device.

{device=F1:6B:2E:01:43:88, scanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=5, mServiceUuids=null, mServiceSolicitationUuids=[], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=MYDEVICE], rssi=-38, timestampNanos=10844927511936, eventType=27, primaryPhy=1, secondaryPhy=0, advertisingSid=255, txPower=127, periodicAdvertisingInterval=0}

This is the result string with a working device.

{device=F1:6B:2E:01:43:88, scanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=5, mServiceUuids=null, mServiceSolicitationUuids=[], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=MYDEVICE, **mTDSData=null**], rssi=-65, timestampNanos=131383632077590, eventType=27, primaryPhy=1, secondaryPhy=0, advertisingSid=255, txPower=127, periodicAdvertisingInterval=0}

The one difference I noticed was that the failing device does not include mTDSData=null

Details of my setup:

  • nrf51422 BLE peripheral.
  • Compiling Android api 30 min api 23
  • Working device Moto G7 running Android 10 with Bluetooth 4.2
  • Failing device RCA 7" running Android 10 with Bluetooth 4.0

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