Android Custom Image Buttons

652 Views Asked by At

I'm new to Android development and I'm trying to implement some custom buttons, they should look something like this:

So I was wondering if I can use something like a imagebutton and use the image as a background and add text on top of it (I tried this but the text is always in the middle and doesn't have a label so its hard to see..), or should I write a custom style or theme for my button. In case that I have to write a custom style or theme, could you please help me out with this? How should I go about doing it?


There are 1 best solutions below


For each of those Grid elements, create a framelayout for each, put the background and then the label in front. Frame layouts allow things on top of each other. You can put the labels with layout_gravity bottom and also add a transparent color to it so the image in the back can be seen. Also add a onClickListener to each of the framelayouts so they act as buttons.