Android device recognized by adb but not recognized by Chrome development tools

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I have an Android device recognized by adb devices but not recognized by chrome development tools (with or without discover USB devices checked).

My machine development is a Mac and I have

  1. installed Android Studio 3.1
  2. Installed SDK platforms Android 8.0 and 8.1
  3. Installed SDK Tools: Android SDK Build-Tools 28 rc-2, Android emulator, Android SDK platform-tools, Android SDK tools, Intel x86 emulator, Android support Repository and Google repository

If disconnect and reconnect the cable, or if I switch on/off the USB debugging on my device makes no difference.

ADB kill-server / start-server don't produce any reaction in Chrome.

Apparently adb is working properly I've already changed android development environment, from android studio to brew cask version (android-sdk, android-ndk, android-platform-tools) and vice-versa with no success (similar results).

I have reinstalled Chrome Currently I have android studio and in my ~/bash_profile I have set:

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
#export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
#export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_$

This problem started a coupled of days ago. Previously worked fine for months. Not sure what led to the problem, but I made some trials with ionic dev app (not sure on any cause-effect) and some time after my development environment started with problems. My problem is I cannot have remote debug with Chrome. I can deploy my ionic application into my connected mobile and run it, but not debug the development Debugging with emulator is not efficient in my case since I use physical components such as scanning and photos Any help help is more than welcome. I've spent hours with this ...


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