Android Google Assistant open my app with just app name

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I saw Google Assistant codelabs and implemented open app via Google Assistant. I am using actions.intent.OPEN_APP_FEATURE intent, it is not working what i expected. For example, It works when i say "Hey google open myAppName app/application/work/run". But i wanted it opens my app when i say "Hey google appName". Could anyone help me to resolve it? Thanks in advance!

<?xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8"?>
    <action intentName="actions.intent.OPEN_APP_FEATURE">
     <fulfillment urlTemplate="{?featureName}">
            urlParameter="featureName" />
    <parameter name="feature">
        <entity-set-reference entitySetId="FeaturesSetId"/>

<entity-set entitySetId="FeaturesSetId">
    <entity name="App" identifier="app"/>
    <entity name="Application" identifier="application"/>
    <entity name="Work" identifier="work"/>
    <entity name="Run" identifier="run"/>

There are 1 best solutions below


App Actions BIIs don't recognize requests that are outside of its predefined language patterns. You can see from the open app feature documentation that it recognizes patterns such as:

  • Open Youtube history.
  • Open ExampleApp ExampleFeature.
  • Show me ExampleFeature on ExampleApp.

So, what you're trying to do is likely unsupported by open app feature.

If you want to use language patterns that are not supported by a BII, then you will need to look into using a custom intent.