Android media3 startForground crash

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I have a media player application. I'm using MediaSessionService. In onCreate() i create Exoplayer instance.

    mTrackSelector = DefaultTrackSelector(this)
    mTrackSelector.parameters = mTrackSelector.parameters

    val mAudioAttr = AudioAttributes.Builder()

    mPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(this)
        .setAudioAttributes(mAudioAttr, true)

After that i'm creating MediaSession using ForwardingPlayer to adjust controls

        mMediaSession = MediaSession.Builder(this, forwardingPlayer)

As far as i test it's all good for my player to run and post a media3 control notification. Wihout using user permission for notification or use push notification. I test it on android 8-14. Tested on android 13 in emulator

The problem is in production i receive throw Firebase Crashlitycs raports about :

     Fatal Exception:$ForegroundServiceDidNotStartInTimeException
Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground(): 
ServiceRecord{4e0c02b u0 xx.xxxxx.PlayerService}

on android 13

I did not implement any MediaSessionServiceListener and override onForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException because in my tests on android 13 and above on phones and emulator did not crash. For test i implement those but i still have no crash or any log in

    override fun onForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException() {
        Log.d("testCrash", "*) ------> CRASH!! CRASH!!")

What i'm doing wrong? On my phones it did not crash How can i reproduce the crash ? onForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException is not called on any android 13-14 of my phones

in gradle i have compileSdk 34 & targetSdk 34

I notice that YouTube premium does not ask for any notification permission and i can use audio in background on my android 13 and 14 phones


LE: i start my service using :

 val mSessionToken = SessionToken(nInterface.getActivity(), ComponentName(nInterface.getActivity(),

My AndroidManifest :

  <service android:name=".engine.notification.PlayerService"
            <action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaSessionService"/>

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />

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