Android Turbine won't triggers event from liveData that converted to flow by .asFlow()

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Turbine is very handily tool for test flows. But I have an issue when convert live data to flow like:

 fun foo(
    ): Flow<B> =
            .map { -> }

And then in test class: @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi val testDispatcher: TestDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher()

val testScope: TestScope = TestScope(testDispatcher)

fun init() {

fun testFoo() = testScope.runTest {
     val result = awaitItem()
     Assert.assertEquals(expected, result)

Then I got this error

After waiting for 60000 ms, the test coroutine is not completing, there were active child jobs: [ScopeCoroutine{Active}@35c3ef4a]

Previously I faced this issue and find out that in some case should awaitComplete() but it some case that will also not works.


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