Angular - access position for overlay of a Material component

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I'm facing an issue while working on a custom flyout component which utilizes Overlay CDK. I followed this article and it works fine (after upgrading some deprecated code), just one thing seems a bit off to me.

I have a flyout service, which opens the custom flyout overlay and it calculates the position of the new flyout relative to the parent.

openFlyoutComponent<T>(origin: HTMLElement, content, data): FlyoutRef<T> {
// ...
const overlayConfig = this.getOverlayConfig(origin);
// ...

private getOverlayConfig(origin): OverlayConfig {
  return new OverlayConfig({
    positionStrategy: this.calculatePosition(origin),

private calculatePosition(origin): PositionStrategy {
  return this.overlay.position()

Since I'm working on a component library I wanted to make things simple and I followed Netanel's way (passing origin directly, without using @ViewChild). But I have an issue when the origin is a MAT componet.

This will open the flyout but the origin is of type MatButton and it won't calculate 
the position correctly. Flyout is shown in the top left corner

This will open the flyout with correct position strategy just bellow the origin button.
Origin is of type NativeElement.

Now, I know I can fix it using @ViewChild('flyoutRefMat', {read: ElementRef}) but this will put 'pressure' on the library users and it would create a need to either have multiple functions or some switches/if-else blocks to open the multiple flyouts from the same component.

Is there a way to pass the Mat Component as the Native Element the way I want to do it? Or am I completely mistaken or I miss something obvious?


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