Angular e2e testing - check template before OnInit executes

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In Angular 9 application, I have component that in

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.records$ = this.service.loadRecords();

loadReords() returns Observable that starts with null and next after Http request completes emit list of records.

In template there are conditions that if records$ is null so called 'loading' div would be visible, when changed list of records - table of records.

When I try to test it (e2e) with protractor after page.navigateTo(); what returns:

navigateTo(): Promise<unknown> {
 return browser.get(`${browser.baseUrl}${this.url}`) as Promise<unknown>;

I can traverse page that is completed (records already loaded - even proxy API call for those records is intentionally delayed).

How I can traverse page that is rendered with 'loading' phase - before records$ stream is loaded?


There are 1 best solutions below


Is there a specific reason why you're using an e2e test for this instead of a more isolated test? The latter would enable you to spy on the service's method and add a delay so that you can make your assertions during the loading state:

describe('MyComponent', ()=>{
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;
  let comonent: MyComponent;
  let myService: MyService;
       declarations: [MyComponent]
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    myService = TestBed.inject(MyService);

  it('should show the loading <div>', fakeAsync(() => {
    // set up the fake service method with a delay
    const simulatedDelayMS = 500;
    const recordsStub = [{foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'baz'}, {foo: 'qux'}];
    const recordsStubWithDelay$ = of(recordsStub).pipe(delay(simulatedDelayMS));
    spyOn(myService, 'loadRecords').and.returnValue(recordsStubWithDelay$);

    // perform the first change detection run
    const getLoadingDiv = () => fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div.loading'))).nativeElement;

    // the <div> should be displayed

    // simulate the enough time passing for the data to finish loading
    // the <div> should no longer be displayed