@angular/fire modular equivalent to "compat" code to listen to snapshotChanges

94 Views Asked by At

How would I rewrite this function in the latest "modular" version of angular firestore?

getLatestEntries(limit = 5) {
return this.db.collectionGroup('Entries', ref => ref.orderBy('finishedTime', 'desc').limit(limit)).snapshotChanges().pipe(
    map(actions => actions.map(a => <any>{
    id: a.payload.doc.id,
    changeType: a.type,

The idea is returning an Observable<Entry[]> with the added "changeType" attribute indicating "added/modified/deleted".

I tried using collectionSnapshots(), but they are missing the (change)"type" property. Also tried using docChanges(query(collectionGroup())), but that only returns the single updated document, not all of them like snapshotChanges() used to.


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