AngularJS outputting Javascript in a directive

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Hi good people of stack overflow..

I am trying to make a directive in angular that outputs javascript that I'll use to draw a morris chart. So far I've been having a tough time. Here's the code:


angular.module('areaChart', ['ui.bootstrap']).directive('areaChart', function() {
var directive = {};
directive.templateUrl = directivePath + '/charts/area-chart.html';
directive.restrict = 'EA';
directive.scope = {
    dealership: "=",
    chartdata: "="

directive.controller = function($scope) {
    $scope.ykeys = function() {
        var ykeys = [];
        angular.forEach($scope.chartData, function(d,k) {
            if(k != 'period') { ykeys.push(k); }
        return "'" + ykeys.join("','") + "'";

return directive;

And, area-chart.html

    element: 'area-chart-fuckyou',
    xkey: 'period',
    ykeys: [{{ ykeys }}],
    labels: [{{ ykeys }}],
    hideHover: 'auto',
    pointSize: 2,
    resize: true,
    data: 'fuckyou' 

I get an unexpected token '{' error any time i try to use angular substitution in the outputted javascript. So, where I try to inject {{ykeys}} it throws the error. I've tried changing {{ykeys}} to include the full string that I'd want in there IE having it return ['key1','key2'] and all combinations thereof. I guess I don't understand what the order of operations is for angular. Can anybody help me?


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to add link function that will do the chart initialization = function(scope, element, attrs){
  new Morris.Area({
      element: element, //here you can attach direct element
      ykey: scope.ykeys()
      labels: scope.ykeys(),
      hideHover: 'auto',
      pointSize: 2,
      resize: true,
      data: 'fuckyou' 
