Antithetic Sampling for variance reduction in graph convolutional network (GCN)

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I am trying to implement Antithetic Sampling to sample vertices of the graph and train the downstream graph convolutional network (GCN) model on the sampled graph.

Antithetic Sampling is a variance reduction technique that involves generating pairs of random samples and their corresponding antithetic counterparts to cancel out fluctuations, leading to more accurate estimates.

Below is my code and function '_Antithetic_sampling(...)' is main function to implement the logic of Antithetic Sampling.:

import math
import torch
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

from scipy.sparse.linalg import norm as sparse_norm
class Antithetic_Sampler(Sampler):
    def __init__(self, pre_probs, features, adj, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(features, adj, **kwargs)
        col_norm = sparse_norm(adj, axis=0)
        self.probs = col_norm / np.sum(col_norm)
    def sampling(self, v):
            v: batch nodes list
        all_support = [[]] * self.num_layers  # Initialize empty list for all layers
        cur_out_nodes = v 
        for layer_index in range(self.num_layers - 1, -1, -1): # Start from the last layer and move backwards
            cur_sampled, cur_support = self._Antithetic_sampling(cur_out_nodes, self.layer_sizes[layer_index])  # sample nodes and collect support
            all_support[layer_index] = cur_support # for corresponding layer, Store current support in all_support 
            cur_out_nodes = cur_sampled # Update nodes 
        all_support = self._change_sparse_to_tensor(all_support) # Convert support to tensor representation       
        sampled_X0 = self.features[cur_out_nodes]  # Extract features of the sampled nodes 
        return sampled_X0, all_support, 0

    # Perform Antithetic Sampling
    def _Antithetic_sampling(self, v_indices, output_size):
        support = self.adj[v_indices, :]
        neis = np.nonzero(np.sum(support, axis=0))[1]
        # Create two sets of random sampling weights
        p1 = self.probs[neis]
        p1 = p1 / np.sum(p1) # Normalize probability 
        p2 = 1 - p1
        p2 = p2 / np.sum(p2)

        # Sample the first set of neighbors
        sampled_1 = np.random.choice(np.arange(np.size(neis)), output_size, True, p1)
        u_sampled_1 = neis[sampled_1]
        support_1 = support[:, u_sampled_1]
        sampled_p1 = p1[sampled_1]
        support_1 = / (sampled_p1 * output_size)))

        # Sample the second set of neighbors with opposite weights

        sampled_2 = np.random.choice(np.arange(np.size(neis)), output_size, True, p2)
        u_sampled_2 = neis[sampled_2]
        support_2 = support[:, u_sampled_2]
        sampled_p2 = p2[sampled_2]
        support_2 = / (sampled_p2 * output_size)))

        # Average two sets of sampled neighbors
        u_sampled = (u_sampled_1 + u_sampled_2) // 2
        support = (support_1 + support_2) / 2
        #print("U samples: ",  u_sampled)
        #print("Support: ",  support)

        return u_sampled, support

Output of this code is:

epchs:0~9 => test_loss: 1.882, test_acc: 0.319

epchs:10~19 => test_loss: 1.879, test_acc: 0.319

epchs:20~29 => test_loss: 1.876, test_acc: 0.319

epchs:30~39 => test_loss: 1.879, test_acc: 0.319

epchs:40~49 => test_loss: 1.871, test_acc: 0.319

epchs:50~59 => test_loss: 1.873, test_acc: 0.319

It can be observed that test accuracy is not changing, which indicates that there might be a logical mistake in my implementation of Antithetic Sampling. Comments in the code provide details of each step, and I've included links to relevant sources for reference. I'm looking for help to identify the mistake in my implementation.

More details about Antithetic Sampling can be found here and here (section 8.2).


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