AntlrWorks 2.1 - Parse Tree (GUI) not popping up

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I am using Java 7. Updated antlr config file to point to Java 7. And looking at other issues on StackOverflow and elsewhere, seems like the fact that 'NetBeans' annotation-processor-compiled-with-RELEASE_6; but need 7 warning is a non-issue.

I do get these warnings in the ANTLR TestRig (java) Window many times, for different compiled in annotations, I guess.


   warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_6' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.openide.modules.PatchedPublicProcessor' less than -source '1.7'

When my grammar VCFG.g4 is opened in ANtlrworks2 - there are no warnings no errors. Previously when I did a run => Run in TestRig an passed it an input file, EVEN IF the input file was invalid (didn't adhere to the grammar) ANTLRworks2 still used to pop up the tree and indicate errors in input file, if any. - Help me please, get my GUI Tree back!

More Information:

'Show tokens', 'Print tree', 'Show tree in GUI' => all three check-boxes are Checked.

Encoding is UTF-8 and the checkbox is CHecked as well. The ANTLR Codegen (java) Window tab has no errors It's message:

Arguments: [-o, /tmp/TestRigTask-1405822965065, -lib, /home/kundan/eworkspace/antlrCentral/resources, -no-listener, -no-visitor, /home/kundan/eworkspace/antlrCentral/resources/VCFG.g4]

Thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below


This was answered somewhere else. After removing the Package Statement in the header and reloading the g4 in ANTLR Works 2.1, it started showing the tree. Support for package (or other headers is probably due in future version.