AOT - Angular 6 - Directive SomeComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. for self made Component

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I am facing issue when i want to compile my current project in AOT with following package version :

my webpack and tsconfig.json configuration can be find here

I have facing some issue related to private / protected scope used on template and some extract parameter gived to some functions who doesn't really need it (Exemple $event who are not used on EventBinding).

Now i have this following list where i can't find where is my issue :

/path/to/app/header/main-header/main-header.component.html(85,7): : Directive TableOfContentComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive TableOfContentComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

my main-header.component.html file contain : // main-header.component.html

// main-header.component.ts
@ViewChildren('headerItems') public headerItems: QueryList<HeaderItemAbstract>;
mainMenuStates = {
    hamburger: false,
    bookmarks: false,
    search: false,
    toc: false,
    medias: false,
    article: false,
    language: false    

And my TableOfContentComponent does not contain any @Input property.

    selector: 'ps-table-of-content-template',
    templateUrl: './table-of-content.component.html',
    animations: [slideUpAndDownAnimation]
export class TableOfContentComponent extends HeaderItemAbstract implements OnInit {

    toc: TableOfContentModel[];

    devices: DevicesModel;

    tocContentHeight: number;
    tocContentMargin: number;
    menuHeight: string;

    constructor(private tableOfContentService: TableOfContentService,
                private deviceService: DeviceService,
                private elemRef: ElementRef) {
        this.toc = this.tableOfContentService.tableOfContent;

/path/to/app/header/main-header/hamburger-menu/hamburger-menu.component.html(125,5): : Directive SliderComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive SliderComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

my hamburger-menu.component.html is close to above presented code :

<ps-slider-component [template]="slidable" [countItems]="associatedDocuments.length">
    <ng-template #slidable>
        <ul class="clearfix">
            <li class="ps-hmt-associated-item-wrapper pull-left slider-item"
                *ngFor="let document of associatedDocuments">
                <a href="{{ }}" target="_blank" class="btn-nostyle">
                    <div class="ps-hmt-image">
                        <img src="{{ document.images.thumbnail }}" alt="">
                    <p class="ps-hmt-title slider-text"
                        [matTooltip]="isArticleView ? null : document.title"
                        [matTooltipClass]="['ps-mat-tooltip', 'ps-mat-tooltip-doc']"
                        {{ document.title }}
// On ts side
associatedDocuments: Array<AssociatedDocumentModel>;
@ViewChild('slidable') slidable: ElementRef;

And my SliderComponent looks like :

export class SliderComponent extends UnsubscribeHelper implements OnInit, OnChanges {

    @Input() template: ElementRef;
    @Input() countItems: number;
    @Input() resetSlide ?: null;
    @Input() fixedHeight?: null;
    @Input() isVariableWidth?: null;
    @Input() isBookmarks?: null;
    @Input() hasSkeleton?: boolean = false;

/path/to/app/header/main-header/medias/dialogs/image-dialog.component.html(34,5): : Directive CarouselComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive CarouselComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

Really close to previous one, i thinks issue is same.

/path/to/app/document/page/page.component.html(7,9): : Directive InfinityPageScrollComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. (1,1): : Directive InfinityPageScrollComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

Here we don't have any input on InfinityPageScrollComponent and tag is call like this <ps-infinity-page-scroll></ps-infinity-page-scroll>

I precise, when i disable AOT on my webpack everything work like charm.

i have try to find solution on AoT Do's and Don'ts without any result.

I have also notice if i disable fullTemplateTypeCheck i am facing around 18 000 errors with some implicit any type and more strange, undefined property for my service declared on the constructor.

--- EDIT 1 : Provide code for Abstract class : UnsubscribeHelper---

export abstract class HeaderItemAbstract extends UnsubscribeHelper implements AfterViewInit {
    public toggleItem: string = 'out';
    public ANIMATION_DURATION = slideUpAndDownAnimationDuration;

    constructor() {

    // [Some other method]
     * Self animate after loading on DOM
        // Wait next to to avoid error :
        // ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked
        setTimeout(() => {

Code for abstract class UnsubscribeHelper :

export abstract class UnsubscribeHelper implements OnDestroy {

    subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];

    ngOnDestroy() {
        this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());

    addSubscription(subscription: Subscription) {

There are 4 best solutions below


Well I have prepared here a minimal, complete, and verifiable example

I have noticed a missing parameter with @HostListner

sample of issue bellow :

@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
onResize(): void {

simply remove '$event' and it works great.

In conclusion this two options work properly :

// When you need the Event variable, you can use following syntax.
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
onResize($event: Event): void {

// When you do not need the Event variable, you can use following syntax.
onResize(): void {

Thanks to @trichetriche for your help.


I meet some similar error called ERROR in (1,1): : Directive SomeComponent, Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. as described inside this comment, but now it was happened with window:scroll

@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event']) public onScroll(): void {

It not so obvious, because Directive defined inside the component (@HostListener) is like anonymous directive here in the message, and not so clear where I had to search for it. I solve this message with logic: if we provide $event to function called onScroll - we need to set here argument event like onScroll(event), so there are no arguments inside function handler of HostListener directive, and we receive this error. But it happened in my case in line 1, as described in error message, but @HostListener was declared below all the functions, and by hoisting and optimisations maybe, it appeared in line 1.

Solved code:

@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event']) public onScroll(event /*provide $event to method here */): void {

I'm adding an additional answer that hopefully will help others searching for this same error message but with a different problem.

In my situation I had difference in signature for a method being overridden in the base class.

export class Foo extends BaseFoo {

   // NOTE: Missing (parameter)
   onBlur() {

export class BaseFoo {
    onBlur(target: any) {

Then in the same component I was missing the parameter in the template:

<div tabindex="0" (blur)="onBlur()>...</>

i am getting same error in angular 8

1>> i upgrade it to 9 & do lots of config change in project NOT RESOLVE

2>> i make all the changes on stackOverflow & github but nothig works NOT RESOLVE

for me a library crossing internally @HostListener ie angular2-multiselect-dropdown (you can easily find it on npm)

which is giving error like Directive ɵc, Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

(sometimes AOT compile it but most of time not ) but each time i run command npm run build:ssr

finally after spending more than a day i remove this library (angular2-multiselect-dropdown)and all works fine me