Apache Echarts: labels,splitLine disappear in radius axis of polar bar chart

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Using echarts 4.9, ngx-echarts 4.2.2

The labels, axis lines in radial axis gets disappear some times during zoom. Also the tooltip during hover is showing differently.

Incorrect chartIncorrect chart correct chartCorrect chart

option values set,

   options = {
  "color": [
  "legend": {
    "type": "scroll",
    "orient": "vertical",
    "bottom": 0,
    "right": 0,
    "data": []
  "angleAxis": {
    "show": true,
    "splitArea": {
      "show": false
    "splitLine": {
      "show": true
    "axisLine": {
      "show": false
    "axisTick": {
      "show": false
  "radiusAxis": {
    "show": true,
    "type": "category",
    "data": ["Machines","Phones","Chairs","Tables", "Storage", "Binders","Accessories","Bookcases", 
    "z": 10,
    "splitLine": {
      "show": true
    "axisLabel": {
      "rotate": 45
  "polar": {},
  "dataZoom": [
      "show": false
  "tooltip": {
    "trigger": "axis",
    "axisPointer": {
      "type": "shadow",
      "label": {
        "backgroundColor": "#6a7985"
  "series": [
      "name": "All",
      "data": ["32622.1", "31036.5", "30809.1","24476.6","21809.6","21412.5","20481.4","13835.0", "10223.8","9359.8","8369.9","6386.2","3858.1","2391.6","2109.3"],
      "type": "bar",
      "coordinateSystem": "polar",
      "barMaxWidth": 20,
      "itemStyle": {
        "shadowColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
        "shadowBlur": 5,
        "shadowOffsetX": 5

The same issue occurs during some times for different dataset also.


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