Appears in the NgModule.imports of ViewClientModule, but itself has errors 664 export class SharedModule { }

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I have recently updated the angular project version from 11 to 13, after up-gradation its giving one error "error NG6002: Appears in the NgModule.imports of VerifiedprofilesharedModule, but itself has errors 664 export class SharedModule { }"

enter image description here

my package.json

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I have tried deleting node modules and re installing npm install but it didn't work, tried cache clear also that also didn't work


There are 1 best solutions below


In the Angular migration process, always check their migration site:

You should also take into account that from version 13, the ViewEngine compiler (which was in previous versions of Angular) is no longer supported. Which sets up the Ivy compiler.

Also these errors can occur if the version of Node.js and Angular are not compatible, or the libraries installed in your project are no longer compatible with your current version of Angular...

You can no longer use Angular with Node.js version 10 or older

State of View Engine

View Engine is no longer available in Angular as of v13

What I advise you is to check these steps mentioned before.