Applitools + Specflow+ Selenium + C#

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I'm asking for help, I'm already desperate.

I made a simple test script with Gherkin and generated the steps. I want to integrate Applitools into this process, that is, to use eyes.Check() method. But no matter how hard I try, every time I initialize the eyes object, I get the following error: Method not found: "Applitools.BatchInfo Applitools.IEyesBase.get_Batch().

Examples on don't fit me, because the same Ruby implementation doesn't work for me, and the C# example doesn't involve using Gherkin.

My scenario:

Feature: LoginScenario

Scenario: L001_Login
When I open Web Site
    And I login as user [email protected] with pass 12345678
Then I close browser

My steps:

using System.Drawing;
using Applitools;
using Applitools.Selenium;
using Lms.Helpers;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Configuration = Applitools.Selenium.Configuration;

namespace Lms.Steps
    public class LoginInLmsSteps
        private IWebDriver driver;
        private LoginHelper loginHelper;
        private Eyes eyes;
        private EyesRunner runner;

        private string Url => "";

        public void BeforeEach()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.SetBatch(new BatchInfo("LMS Batch"));
            config.AddBrowser(800, 600, BrowserType.CHROME);

            runner = new ClassicRunner();

            eyes = new Eyes(runner);


        [When(@"I open Web Site")]
        public void WhenIOpenWebSite()
            driver = new ChromeDriver();
            driver.Url = Url;
        [When(@"I login as user (.*) with pass (.*)")]
        public void WhenILoginAsUserWithPass(string username, string password)
            eyes.Open(driver, "LMS", "Login test", new Size(800, 600));
            eyes.CheckWindow("Login Page");

            loginHelper.Login(username, password);

        [Then(@"I close browser")]
        public void ThenICloseBrowser()
            driver = null;

        public void AfterEach()
            // If the test was aborted before eyes.close was called, ends the test as aborted.

            //Wait and collect all test results
            TestResultsSummary allTestResults = runner.GetAllTestResults();

That is, I catch the error already at the setup stage

I would be grateful for any help!


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