apply function not working as expected in groupby

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I have a dataframe that looks like:

ID    |     timestamp    |Phase| current
001   | 2020-09-20 07:00 | A   | 1.4
001   | 2020-09-20 07:00 | B   | 2.0
001   | 2020-09-20 07:00 | C   | 1.6
002   | 2020-09-20 09:00 | A   | 1.4
002   | 2020-09-20 09:00 | B   | 1.23
002   | 2020-09-20 09:00 | C   | 1.46

I need to calculate the % difference in the phases of each ID/timestamp grouping, so I create a groupby:

imbalanced = df.groupby(['timestamp','ID']).apply(calcImbalance)

and here is calcImbalance:

def calcImbalance(pole):
        phA = pole.loc[pole['Phase'] == 'A']['current'].astype('float')
        phB = pole.loc[pole['Phase'] == 'B']['current'].astype('float')
        phC = pole.loc[pole['Phase'] == 'C']['current'].astype('float')
        imb = abs((phA-phB)/phB)
        print ('imb:', imb)
        if imb  >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phB-phA)/phA)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phA-phC)/phC)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phC-phA)/phA)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole

But this just prints:

imb: 2661   NaN
2662   NaN
Name: Amps, dtype: float64
imb: 2661   NaN
2662   NaN
Name: Amps, dtype: float64

and then throws an exception: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

What I'm trying to do is create a dataframe of only the instances in df that have a > 30% difference between phases. I think I have gone down a rabbit hole for something that seems like it should be trivial

In the above example, the 'imbalanced' dataframe should contain:

ID    |     timestamp    |Phase| current
001   | 2020-09-20 07:00 | A   | 1.4
001   | 2020-09-20 07:00 | B   | 2.0

The apply function doesn't test the imbalance between phases B & C, only A & B and A & C


There are 3 best solutions below


IIUC you can find the desired rows with pandas functions

df['cng'] = (df.groupby('ID')['current'].pct_change() + 1).groupby(df.ID).cumprod()-1
df[df.groupby('ID')['cng'].transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.max())) > .30]


   ID         timestamp Phase  current       cng
0   1  2020-09-20 07:00     A      1.4       NaN
1   1  2020-09-20 07:00     B      2.0  0.428571

How this works

To find groups with changes between phases > .30

df[df.groupby('ID')['current'].pct_change().groupby(df.ID).transform('max') > .30]


   ID         timestamp Phase  current
0   1  2020-09-20 07:00     A      1.4
1   1  2020-09-20 07:00     B      2.0
2   1  2020-09-20 07:00     C      1.6

This gives the percent change in groups



0         NaN
1    0.428571
2   -0.200000
3         NaN
4   -0.121429
5    0.186992

The accumulated changes per group

(df.groupby('ID')['current'].pct_change() + 1).groupby(df.ID).cumprod()


0         NaN
1    1.428571
2    1.142857
3         NaN
4    0.878571
5    1.042857

What can this solution detect?

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame([('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'A', 1.4),
                   ('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'B', 2.0),
                   ('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'C', 1.6),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'A', 1.4),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'B', 1.2),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'C', 2.0),
                   ('003', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'A', 1.4),
                   ('003', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'B', 2.0),
                   ('003', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'C', 1.6),
                   ('003', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'D', 2.0),

                  columns=['ID', 'timestamp', 'Phase', 'current'])

In dataframe

    ID         timestamp Phase  current  
0  001  2020-09-20 07:00     A      1.4  
1  001  2020-09-20 07:00     B      2.0 
2  001  2020-09-20 07:00     C      1.6 
3  002  2020-09-20 09:00     A      1.4 
4  002  2020-09-20 09:00     B      1.2 
5  002  2020-09-20 09:00     C      2.0 
6  003  2020-09-20 09:00     A      1.4 
7  003  2020-09-20 09:00     B      2.0 
8  003  2020-09-20 09:00     C      1.6 
9  003  2020-09-20 09:00     D      2.0 

With this solution

df['cng'] = (df.groupby('ID')['current'].pct_change() + 1).groupby(df.ID).cumprod()-1
df[df.groupby('ID')['cng'].transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.max())) > .30]

Result. Note that cng is the cumulative product to compute the change to the first row.

    ID         timestamp Phase  current       cng
0  001  2020-09-20 07:00     A      1.4       NaN
1  001  2020-09-20 07:00     B      2.0  0.428571
3  002  2020-09-20 09:00     A      1.4       NaN
5  002  2020-09-20 09:00     C      2.0  0.428571
6  003  2020-09-20 09:00     A      1.4       NaN
7  003  2020-09-20 09:00     B      2.0  0.428571
9  003  2020-09-20 09:00     D      2.0  0.428571

Based on your code, this may work. This collects the currents into a list and passes them to the calcImbalance function.

import pandas as pd

dd = {
'timestamp':['2020-09-20 07:00','2020-09-20 07:00','2020-09-20 07:00','2020-09-20 09:00','2020-09-20 09:00','2020-09-20 09:00'],

df = pd.DataFrame(dd)

def calcImbalance(pole):
        phA, phB, phC = tuple(pole)  # currents in group
        print('ph >',phA, phB, phC)
        imb = abs((phA-phB)/phB)
        print ('imb:', imb)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phB-phA)/phA)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phA-phC)/phC)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole
        imb = abs((phC-phA)/phA)
        if imb >= 0.3:
            return pole

gb = df.groupby(['timestamp','ID'])['current'].apply(lambda x:[i for i in x]).apply(calcImbalance) 



ph > 1.4 1.5 1.6
imb: 0.06666666666666672
ph > 1.4 1.23 1.46
imb: 0.13821138211382109

timestamp         ID
2020-09-20 07:00  1     None
2020-09-20 09:00  2     None
Name: current, dtype: object

-- Update --

Based on your post update, this may not be the full answer but may still help getting the solution.


Edit: this code answers the question, including the edits.

import pandas as pd

def calc_imbalance(current):
    pairs_to_test = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]]
    for pair in pairs_to_test:
        abs_percentage_imbalance = abs((current[pair[0]] - current[pair[1]])/current[pair[1]])
        if abs_percentage_imbalance >= .3:
            return pair
    return []

df = pd.DataFrame([('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'A', 1.4),
                   ('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'B', 2.0),
                   ('001', '2020-09-20 07:00', 'C', 1.6),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'A', 1.4),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'B', 1.23),
                   ('002', '2020-09-20 09:00', 'C', 1.46)],
                  columns=['ID', 'timestamp', 'Phase', 'current'])

df['original_index'] = df.index

all_index_to_keep = []
for _, group in df.groupby(['timestamp', 'ID']).agg(list).reset_index().iterrows():
    index_to_keep = calc_imbalance(group['current'])
    all_index_to_keep += [v for k, v in enumerate(group['original_index']) if k in index_to_keep]
df.drop('original_index', axis=1, inplace=True)
print(df.loc[all_index_to_keep, :])


    ID         timestamp Phase  current
0  001  2020-09-20 07:00     A      1.4
1  001  2020-09-20 07:00     B      2.0