Arduino IDE ESP32 device using SPIFFS to save

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I writing ESP32 program and using SPIFFS to save some data because I do not want to loose it after I power down the device.

I have 2 functions:

char* readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char *path)
    Serial.printf("Reading file: %s\n", path);

    File file =;
    if (!file || file.isDirectory())
        Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading");
        return "FAIL";

    Serial.print("Read from file: ");
    while (file.available())
        //append all characters and return it as a list of char arrays at the end of reading

void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, const char *message)
    Serial.printf("Writing file: %s\n", path);

    File file =, FILE_WRITE);
    if (!file)
        Serial.println("Failed to open file for writing");
    if (file.print(message))
        Serial.println("File written");
        Serial.println("Write failed");


First of all, I run my program and call writeFile() and then followed by readFile():

    int n = 0;
    n = scan_wifi_networks();

    Serial.print("list_strings outside scan function = ");
    for (int i = 0 ; i<=n ; i++){
    //compare list_strings with preset wifi networks. If match, everything is fine, if not, problem!

    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/wifi.txt", "Telia-33F8A3-Greitas");
    char* known_networks = readFile(SPIFFS, "/wifi.txt");

    //send USD to the server, go back to sleep

And that part works fine. From the serial monitor, I can see that it have sucesfully written my text to wifi.txt.

After I run write/read functions

Next, I comment out write function and only leave read function.I run the code again and it is not able to read back my text:

Only readFile

Can someone help me understand why is that happening? I thought that if I write to spiffs once, I will be able to access it afterwards but that is not the case. I have previously used EEPROM and that seemed to work. I can write to EEPROM address and simply access the same address later and the value will still be there after the power off. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I have managed to read back data from my SPIFFS after I wrote to it. I had missed one crucial step:

However, now, I am encountering another issue:

In my project folder, I have created a folder "data" which is supposed to be accessed by SPIFFS. In there, I create 2 files :

  1. wifi.txt
  2. update.bin

update.bin for now is not relevant. Lets talk about wifi.txt

After I have written to Spiffs, I now comment out the writeFile function and only leave out readFile. The result from my serial monitor:

ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400806b4
Listing directory: /
  FILE: /update.bin  SIZE: 0
  FILE: /wifi.txt  SIZE: 20
Reading file: /wifi.txt
Read from file: Telia-33F8A3-Greitas

As you can see from the serial monitor above, my program recognises the text that I have written to my spifs /wifi.txt file. Howeverm when I go to my actual project directory and open data/wifi.txt it is emtpy:

wifi.txt empty

How can this happen? My program recongises that theres data inside but it wont show up in the file.


I have done some further testing of SPIFFS.

In my data folder, I have created another txt file test.txt. In there, I have manually put some text "this is text message".

In my program, I have called function:

char* returned_data = readFile(SPIFFS, "/test.txt");

And the serial monitor sucesfully printed the message that I have put. So that proves that the SPIFFS is able to read back from the files without any issues.

Then, I have modified my program:

    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/test.txt", "hello123");
    char* returned_data = readFile(SPIFFS, "/test.txt");

The code above should overwrite whatever I have written to my txt file with "hello123" and then my program should read the "hello123" back from Spiffs. The serial monitor response:

Listing directory: /
  FILE: /update.bin  SIZE: 0
  FILE: /wifi.txt  SIZE: 2
  FILE: /test.txt  SIZE: 8
Writing file: /test.txt
File written
Reading file: /wifi.txt
Read from file: 
Reading file: /test.txt
Read from file: hello123

As you can see, it is able to sucesfully read back "hello123".

HOWEVER, when I go to my project folder, open the data/test.txt, I can still see my initial text not replaced with "hello123". enter image description here

I do not understand how is this happening..


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