Are there any smart cases of runtime code modification?

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Can you think of any legitimate (smart) uses for runtime code modification (program modifying it's own code at runtime)?

Modern operating systems seem to frown upon programs that do this since this technique has been used by viruses to avoid detection.

All I can think of is some kind of runtime optimization that would remove or add some code by knowing something at runtime which cannot be known at compile time.


There are 16 best solutions below


There are many valid cases for code modification. Generating code at run time can be useful for:

  • Some virtual machines use JIT compilation to improve performance.
  • Generating specialized functions on the fly has long been common in computer graphics. See e.g. Rob Pike and Bart Locanthi and John Reiser Hardware Software Tradeoffs for Bitmap Graphics on the Blit (1984) or this posting (2006) by Chris Lattner on Apple's use of LLVM for runtime code specialization in their OpenGL stack.
  • In some cases software resorts to a technique known as trampoline which involves the dynamic creation of code on the stack (or another place). Examples are GCC's nested functions and the signal mechanism of some Unices.

Sometimes code is translated into code at runtime (this is called dynamic binary translation):

  • Emulators like Apple's Rosetta use this technique to speed up emulation. Another example is Transmeta's code morphing software.
  • Sophisticated debuggers and profilers like Valgrind or Pin use it to instrument your code while it is being executed.
  • Before extensions were made to the x86 instruction set, virtualization software like VMWare could not directly run privileged x86 code inside virtual machines. Instead it had to translate any problematic instructions on the fly into more appropriate custom code.

Code modification can be used to work around limitations of the instruction set:

  • There was a time (long ago, I know), when computers had no instructions to return from a subroutine or to indirectly address memory. Self modifying code was the only way to implement subroutines, pointers and arrays.

More cases of code modification:

  • Many debuggers replace instructions to implement breakpoints.
  • Some dynamic linkers modify code at runtime. This article provides some background on the runtime relocation of Windows DLLs, which is effectively a form of code modification.

You know the old chestnut that there is no logical difference between hardware and can also say that there is no logical difference between code and data.

What is self-modifying code? Code that puts values in the execution stream so that it can be imterpreted not as data but as a command. Sure there is the theoretical viewpoint in functional languages that there really is no difference. I'm saying on e can do this in a straightforward manner in imperative languages and compiler/interpreters without the presumption of equal status.

What I'm referring to is in the practical sense that data can alter program execution paths (in some sense this is extremely obvious). I am thinking of something like a compiler-compiler that creates a table (an array of data) that one traverses through in parsing, moving from state to state (and also modifying other variables), just like how a program moves from command to command, modifying variables in the process.

So even in the usual instance of where a compiler creates code space and refers to a fully separate data space (the heap), one can still modify the data to explicitly change the execution path.


I run statistical analyses against a continually updated database. My statistical model is written and re-written each time the code is executed to accommodate new data that become available.


The best version of this may be Lisp Macros. Unlike C macros which are just a preprocessor Lisp lets you have access to the entire programming language at all times. This is about the most powerful feature in lisp and does not exist in any other language.

I am by no means an expert but get one of the lisp guys talking about it! There is a reason that they say that Lisp is the most powerful language around and the smart folks no that they are probably right.


From the view of an operating system kernel every Just In Time Compiler and Linker Runtime performs program text self modification. Prominent example would be Google's V8 ECMA Script Interpreter.


Another reason of self-modifying code (actually a "self-generating" code) is to implement a Just-In-time compilation mechanism for performance. E.g. a program that reads an algebric expression and calculates it on a range of input parameters may convert the expression in machine code before stating the calculation.


I have implemented a program using evolution to create the best algorithm. It used self-modifying code to modify the DNA blueprint.


Many years ago i spent a morning trying to debug some self-modifying code, one instruction changed the target address of the following instruction, i.e., i was computing a branch address. It was written in assembly language and worked perfectly when i stepped through the program one instruction at a time. But when i ran the program it failed. Eventually, i realized that the machine was fetching 2 instructions from memory and (as the instructions were laid out in memory) the instruction i was modifying had already been fetched and thus the machine was executing the unmodified (incorrect) version of the instruction. Of course, when i was debugging, it was only doing one instruction at a time.

My point, self-modifying code can be extremely nasty to test/debug and often has hidden assumptions as to the behavior of the machine (be it hardware or virtual). Moreover, the system could never share code pages among the various threads/processes executing on the (now) multi-core machines. This defeats many of the benefits to virtual memory, etc. It also would invalidate branch optimizations done at the hardware level.

(Note - i do not included JIT in the category of self-modifying code. JIT is translating from one representation of the code to an alternate representation, it is not modifying the code)

All, in all, it's just a bad idea - really neat, really obscure, but really bad.

of course - if all you have is an 8080 and ~512 bytes of memory you might have to resort to such practices.


The Synthesis OS basically partially evaluated your program with respect to API calls, and replaced OS code with the results. The main benefit is that lots of error checking went away (because if your program isn't going to ask the OS to do something stupid, it doesn't need to check).

Yes, that's an example of runtime optimization.


This has been done in computer graphics, specifically software renderers for optimization purposes. At runtime the state of many parameters is examined and an optimized version of the rasterizer code is generated (potentially eliminating a lot of conditionals) which allows one to render graphics primitives e.g. triangles much faster.


There are many cases:

  • Viruses commonly used self-modifying code to "deobfuscate" their code prior to execution, but that technique can also be useful in frustrating reverse engineering, cracking and unwanted hackery
  • In some cases, there can be a particular point during runtime (e.g. immediately after reading the config file) when it is known that - for the rest of the lifetime of the process - a particular branch will always or never be taken: rather than needlessly checking some variable to determine which way to branch, the branch instruction itself could be modified accordingly
    • e.g. It may become known that only one of the possible derived types will be handled, such that virtual dispatch can be replaced with a specific call
    • Having detected which hardware is available, use of a matching code may be hardcoded
  • Unnecessary code can be replaced with no-op instructions or a jump over it, or have the next bit of code shifted directly into place (easier if using position-independent opcodes)
  • Code written to facilitate its own debugging might inject a trap/signal/interrupt instruction expected by the debugger at a strategic location.
  • Some predicate expressions based on user input might be compiled into native code by a library
  • Inlining some simple operations that aren't visible until runtime (e.g. from dynamically loaded library)...
  • Conditionally adding self-instrumentation/profiling steps
  • Cracks may be implemented as libraries that modify the code that loads them (not "self" modifying exactly, but needs the same techniques and permissions).
  • ...

Some OSs' security models mean self-modifying code can't run without root/admin privileges, making it impractical for general-purpose use.

From Wikipedia:

Application software running under an operating system with strict W^X security cannot execute instructions in pages it is allowed to write to—only the operating system itself is allowed to both write instructions to memory and later execute those instructions.

On such OSes, even programs like the Java VM need root/admin privileges to execute their JIT code. (See for more details)


One valid reason is because the asm instruction set lack some necessary instruction, which you could build yourself. Example: On x86 there is no way to create an interrupt to a variable in a register (e.g. make interrupt with interrupt number in ax). Only const numbers coded into the opcode were allowed. With selfmodifying code one could emulate this behaviour.


The Linux Kernel has Loadable Kernel Modules which do just that.

Emacs also has this ability and I use it all the time.

Anything that supports a dynamic plugin architecture is essentially modifying it code at runtime.


Some compilers used to use it for static variable initialization, avoiding the cost of a conditional for subsequent accesses. In other words they implement "execute this code only once" by overwriting that code with no-ops the first time it's executed.


The scenario in which this can be used is a learning program. In response to user input the program learns a new algorithm:

  1. it looks up the existing code base for a similar algorithm
  2. if no similar algorithm is in the code base, the program just adds a new algorithm
  3. if a similar algorithm exists, the program (perhaps with some help from the user) modifies the existing algorithm to be able to serve both the old purpose and the new purpose

There is a question how to do that in Java: What are the possibilities for self-modification of Java code?


One use case is the EICAR test file which is a legitimate DOS executable COM file for testing antivirus programs.


It has to use self code modification because the executable file must contain only printable/typeable ASCII characters in the range [21h-60h, 7Bh-7Dh] which limits the number of encodable instructions significantly

The details are explained here

It's also used for floating-point operation dispatching in DOS

Some compilers will emit CD xx with xx ranging from 0x34-0x3B in places of x87 floating-point instructions. Since CD is the opcode for int instruction, it'll jump into the interrupt 34h-3Bh and emulate that instruction in software if the x87 coprocessor is not available. Otherwise the interrupt handler will replace those 2 bytes with 9B Dx so that later executions will be handled directly by x87 without emulation.

What is the protocol for x87 floating point emulation in MS-DOS?

Another usage is to optimize code during runtime

For example on an architecture without variable bit shifts (or when they're very slow) then they can be emulated using only constant shifts when the shift count is known far in advance by changing the immediate field containing the shift count in the instruction before control reaches that instruction and before the cache is loaded for running

It can also be used to change function calls to the most optimized version when there are multiple versions for different (micro-)architectures. For example you have the same function written in scalar, SSE2, AVX, AVX-512... and depending on the current CPU you'll choose the best one. It can be done easily using function pointers which are set at startup by the code dispatcher, but then you have one more level of indirection which is bad for the CPU. Some compilers support function multiversioning which automatically compiles to different versions, then at load time the linker will fix the function addresses to the desired ones. But what if you don't have compiler and linker support, and you don't want the indirection either? Just modify the call instructions yourself at startup instead of changing the function pointers. Now the calls are all static and can be predicted correctly by the CPU