Assign a saved datetime value in database to Datepicker value

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I have a kendo-datepicker in my page to insert date to table and this works fine

<kendo-datepicker [value]="paymentDate" [(ngModel)]="paymentDate"></kendo-datepicker>

I use the same web page to show the details of the saved record

this.paymentDate = response.paymentDate;

but when I assign the same value in the database to kendo-datepicker during the page load, I gives me the following error

The 'value' should be a valid JavaScript Date instance.

I tried to format the string but not successful.


There are 1 best solutions below


Initialize paymentDate with JavaScript's Date object.

paymentDate = new Date();
// or,
paymentDate = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00');

Checkout MDN to know furthur about Date object.

Note: I'm not sure the two way binding will work at this case or not. But the official documentation says that have valueChange event that you can listen.


In Template:


in Component:

 paymentDate = new Date();

 public onChange(value: Date): void {
    this.paymentDate= value;