DPM -- perform server side processing in servlet rather than jsp

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I'm currently working with a test account on and am utilizing their Direct Post Method form to submit transactions directly to their gateway without additional server-side processing on my end. My application is a basic jsp webapp sitting on top of Apache Tomcat 7.

Per the instructions provided on their Java Quick Start Guide I have set up 3 files to: 1) take in user input, 2) relay the response, and 3) process and display output.

Truth be told, I don't really need to display an output to the user. Instead, I would like to thoroughly process the response that sends me. The sample code they provide explicitly accounts for this in the relay_response.jsp file:

String receiptPageUrl = "http://MERCHANT_HOST/order_receipt.jsp";
net.authorize.sim.Result result = net.authorize.sim.Result.createResult(apiLoginId,
 MD5HashKey, request.getParameterMap());
// perform Java server side processing...
// ...
// build receipt url buffer
StringBuffer receiptUrlBuffer = new StringBuffer(receiptPageUrl);
document.location = "<%=receiptUrlBuffer.toString()%>";

However, it looks like they want me to perform the processing in the jsp, while I would rather perform this work on the back end using a Java servlet. I've tried to accomplish this using 2 methods, neither of which work quite as I want.

Attempt 1) I replaced the 'order_receipt.jsp' tag with a url to another jsp, which subsequently submits a form to a servlet, passing all request parameters.

String receiptPageUrl = "http://<my_server's_ip_address>/another.jsp";

The problem with this approach is that in the initial forward from relay_response.jsp all of the parameters are passed via GET and appear in the URL, which I can't allow.

Attempt 2) Rather than forwarding the results to another jsp, I created a form right inside relay_response.jsp and tried to submit the form with the results passed as a request parameter.

<form id='myform' method='post' action="servlet_action" accept-charset='UTF-8'>
  <input id='params' type='hidden' name='params' value='<%= paramsMap %>'/>
<script type="text/javascript">

The problem here is that although the browser displays my relay_response.jsp file, the value of document.location.hostname is, so it doesn't recognize my action since that resides on my server rather than on's server.

Alternatively, I have tried setting the action on the form to be the full url of my server and servlet action:

<form id='myform' method='post' action="http://<my_server's_ip_address>/webapp/servlet_action" accept-charset='UTF-8'>

But I get a warning (at least in Firefox) saying that the data is not being transmitted over a secure connection: "Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party."

How can I pass the results of the transaction from relay_response.jsp to my Java servlet without exposing the parameters being passed to the user? Should I be using https? And why is pointing to rather than my relay_response.jsp?



There are 1 best solutions below


A friend suggested 2 solutions for the initial question I posted, one of which I have verified.

Solution 1: Simply redirect the initial form to servlet rather than to relay_response.jsp. Then the servlet can redirect to another jsp as apporpriate. I have verified that this works with DPM.

Solution 2: Inside the scriptlet in relay_response.jsp, make a call to a Java class that actually handles the logic. You don't have to expose or write any Java code inside the scriptlet, but rather just invoke the class and call a few methods. You can pass the response parameter map as the argument to the method. I suppose the class you invoke could even be a proper servlet, though mixing these up might not be good form.