I want to have a user's input auto fill the punctuation of a phone number to look like this (xxx) xxx-xxxx. I have written an example jfiddle here but it breaks when filling in the last 4 digits of the phone number.
$("#phone").on("change keyup paste", function () {
var output;
var input = $("#phone").val();
input = input.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
var area = input.substr(0, 3);
var pre = input.substr(3, 4);
var tel = input.substr(6, 4);
if (area.length < 3) {
output = "(" + area;
} else if (area.length == 3 && pre.length < 3) {
output = "(" + area + ")" + " " + pre;
} else if (area.length == 3 && pre.length == 3) {
output = "(" + area + ")" + " " + pre + "-" + tel;
<input id='phone'></input>
If you started to use regexp, why dont you go whole way through. Below the code that filter input value and convert it to your look.
Beware, this code only for value that contains only digits. You could block any other types via plugins or your own code. (jquery.numeric plugin is a good choice)