Auto reload with play2

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This is my play2 project having maven nature:

pom.xml with relevant code:


      <!-- only if using database evolutions -->

      <!-- only if there are assets in the project -->

I run the project with command:

mvn play2:run

But each time I do any change to the file, I have to do mvn compile play2:run and then reload the page.

Isn't any feature to reload with current changes without doing any maven compile each time ?


I found that using mvn play2:run, it always runs in PROD mode. So this seems to be the problem. Don't know how to run it in DEV mode.


[play] [info] play - Application started (Prod)
[play] [info] play - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:9000

There are 2 best solutions below


The only way I found is to use activator instead:

activator run

And to run at specific port say 9543 use:

activator run -Dhttp.port=9543

Running in DEV mode and auto-reloading features are not implemented yet.

I've started to work on these features recently, but it's not easy and I cannot predict wren it will be available. Sorry.