Automating Baseline Profile Generation in Android with non-release builds

222 Views Asked by At

I'm working on an Android app and utilizing baseline profiles with the new Gradle plugin and GMD, as outlined in the docs. My app requires the BaselineProfileGenerator class to run on a pre-populated database with mock data, which I manage using a demo build type in my Gradle configuration:

buildTypes {
    getByName("release") {
        isMinifyEnabled = true
        // ... other configurations ...
    register("demo") {
        // ... other configurations ...

Using the generateDemoBaselineProfile Gradle task, I can generate the baseline-prof.txt file in app/src/demo/generated/baselineProfiles/. However, I currently have to manually copy this file to app/src/main/baselineProfiles/ so that the release build can make use of it.

The Problem: I want to automate this process using automaticGenerationDuringBuild = true, but I'm facing challenges. Ideally, I'd like to use the mergeIntoMain = true setting:

baselineProfile {
    saveInSrc = true
    mergeIntoMain = true
    automaticGenerationDuringBuild = true

With this, I can run generateBaselineProfile and everything should get merged into one baseline profile in app/src/main/generated/baselineProfiles/. The problem with this is that non-demo baselineProfile generation tasks like generateReleaseBaselineProfile are triggered as well and fail quickly because BaselineProfileGenerator can't do its job without the prepopulated data provided only in that demo build type. The solution would be to somehow disable these other gradle tasks and make sure only generateDemoBaselineProfile gets triggered when I run generateBaselineProfile.

Perhaps an even more elegant way of solving this would be to generateDemoBaselineProfile on automaticGenerationDuringBuild = true and force it to copy baseline-prof.txt to app/src/main/generated/baselineProfiles/.

I have no idea how to do either of these things. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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