AVCaptureOutput and Object Recognition

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I'm new to Swift and have been finding Stackoverflow tremendously helpful in my troubleshooting so far. In my current project I'm trying to create a confidence label similar to the attached screen shot in addition to a already existing capture functionality:

Confidence Label screen shot.

When I run my code the camera view and capture functionality works but the object recognition (inception V3) doesn't seem to receive the data from AVCaptureOutput (it doesn't print the result to the console either).

I'm not getting any error message so I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated


func setupCaptureSession() {
    captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.photo

func setupDevice() {
    let deviceDiscoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType.builtInWideAngleCamera], mediaType: AVMediaType.video, position: AVCaptureDevice.Position.unspecified)
    let device = deviceDiscoverySession.devices

    for device in device {
        if device.position == AVCaptureDevice.Position.back {
            backCamera = device
        }else if device.position == AVCaptureDevice.Position.front {
            frontCamera = device

    currentCamera = backCamera

func setupInputOutput() {
    do {
        let captureDeviceInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: currentCamera!)
        photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
        photoOutput?.setPreparedPhotoSettingsArray([AVCapturePhotoSettings(format: [AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.jpeg])], completionHandler: nil)
    } catch {

func setupPreviewLayer() {
    camerapreviewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
    camerapreviewLayer?.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill
    camerapreviewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation.portrait
    camerapreviewLayer?.frame = self.view.frame
    self.view.layer.insertSublayer(camerapreviewLayer!, at: 0)


func  setupRunningCaptureSession() {


func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
    //        print("Camera was able to capture a frame:", Date())

    guard let pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return }

    guard let model = try? VNCoreMLModel(for: Inceptionv3().model) else { return }
    let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model) { (finishedReq, err) in

        //perhaps check the err

        //            print(finishedReq.results)

        guard let results = finishedReq.results as? [VNClassificationObservation] else { return }

        guard let firstObservation = results.first else { return }

        print(firstObservation.identifier, firstObservation.confidence)

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.confidenceLabel.text = "\(firstObservation.identifier) \(firstObservation.confidence * 100)"


    try? VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer, options: [:]).perform([request])

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