AVCaptureVideoDataOutput P3 colorspace

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Is there anyway of getting CMSampleBuffers in 10bit P3 colorspace using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput (or otherwise?) at minimum 30 frames per second? I can configure AVCaptureSession to use P3 color space but in AVCaptureVideoDataOutput delegate can not get anything better than BGRA or YUV420, both of which are 8 bit formats.


There are 1 best solutions below


Are you mixing colorspaces up with pixel formats? P3 colorspace doesn't specify the size of each element. You can have 8 bit per channel output in the P3 colorspace. If you want a different pixel format checkout


That will give you a list of the available pixel formats for video output. You can then set the pixel format as follows

AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey: pixelFormat]

Last time I checked the only ones available are 32 bit BGRA, 420v and 420f.