Azure Databricks API to create job, job doesn't get created after successful call to the API

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I am using python 3.6 to make API calls to Azure Databricks to create a job to run a specific notebook. I have followed the instruction of using the API at this link. The only difference is I am using python rather than curl. The code I have written is as follows:

import requests
import os
import json

dbrks_create_job_url =  "https://"+os.environ['DBRKS_INSTANCE']+""

    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + os.environ['DBRKS_BEARER_TOKEN'],
    'X-Databricks-Azure-Workspace-Resource-Id': '/subscriptions/'+ os.environ['DBRKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] +'/resourceGroups/'+ os.environ['DBRKS_RESOURCE_GROUP'] +'/providers/Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/' + os.environ['DBRKS_WORKSPACE_NAME'],
    'X-Databricks-Azure-SP-Management-Token': os.environ['DBRKS_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN']}

body_json = """
    "name": "A sample job to trigger from DevOps",
    "tasks": [
        "task_key": "ExecuteNotebook",
        "description": "Execute uploaded notebook including tests",
        "depends_on": [],
        "existing_cluster_id": """ + os.environ["DBRKS_CLUSTER_ID"] + """,
        "notebook_task": {
          "notebook_path": "/Users/myuser/sample-notebook",
          "base_parameters": {}
        "timeout_seconds": 300,
        "max_retries": 1,
        "min_retry_interval_millis": 5000,
        "retry_on_timeout": false
    "email_notifications": {},
    "name": "my_test_job",
    "max_concurrent_runs": 1}

print("Request body in json format:")

response =, headers=DBRKS_REQ_HEADERS, data=body_json) 

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Job created successfully!")
    print("job failed!")
    raise Exception(response.content)

All the OS environment variables are sent from my Azure DevOps pipeline. However, you don't need to execute the script from a pipeline. You can execute it from your local machine as long as you have a service principal with access to a databricks workspace. To run the python script, you can replace those environment variables with your own credentials.

Explaining the variables in the script:

  • os.environ['DBRKS_INSTANCE']: Name of the databricks instance

  • os.environ['DBRKS_BEARER_TOKEN']: the bearer token. You need this to authenticate your service principal or your user to databricks. Later I have explained how you can get it.

  • os.environ['DBRKS_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN']: If the service principle you are using is not added as databricks workspace users or admins, you need this token. Later I have explained how you can get it.

  • os.environ['DBRKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']: The Azure subscription Id where databricks workspace is.

  • os.environ['DBRKS_RESOURCE_GROUP']: Name of the Azure resource group of the databricks workspace.

  • os.environ['DBRKS_WORKSPACE_NAME']: Name of the Azure databricks workspace.

  • os.environ["DBRKS_CLUSTER_ID"]: The cluster Id which will execute the job in databricks.

When I run my script, I get the status code 200 which mean it should have worked properly as shown below:

Python script runs successfully

However, when I look into list of jobs, no new job is created despite the 200 status code received! You can see below the job I have created is not there.

Job is not created despite the 200 status code response.

I also changed the API endpoint from to, still I get successful run but no job is being created! I can't understand what I am doing wrong. And if I am doing something wrong, how come it doesn't raise exception and gives me 200 status code.

One final point to be able to regenerate the problem I am facing: To get the above two variables for DBRKS_BEARER_TOKEN and DBRKS_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN, you can run the following script and manually replace os.environ['DBRKS_BEARER_TOKEN'] and os.environ['DBRKS_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN'] with the printed values after script execution:

import requests
import json
import os

TOKEN_BASE_URL = '' + os.environ['SVCDirectoryID'] + '/oauth2/token'
TOKEN_REQ_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
       'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
       'client_id': os.environ['SVCApplicationID'],
       'client_secret': os.environ['SVCSecretKey']}

def dbrks_management_token():
        TOKEN_REQ_BODY['resource'] = ''
        response = requests.get(TOKEN_BASE_URL, headers=TOKEN_REQ_HEADERS, data=TOKEN_REQ_BODY)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            raise Exception(response.text)
        return response.json()['access_token']

def dbrks_bearer_token():
        TOKEN_REQ_BODY['resource'] = '2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d'
        response = requests.get(TOKEN_BASE_URL, headers=TOKEN_REQ_HEADERS, data=TOKEN_REQ_BODY)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            raise Exception(response.text)
        return response.json()['access_token']

DBRKS_BEARER_TOKEN = dbrks_bearer_token()
DBRKS_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN = dbrks_management_token()


  • SVCDirectoryID is Azure Active Directory (AAD) service principal tenant Id
  • SVCApplicationID is the value of AAD service principal client Id.
  • SVCSecretKey is AAD service principal secret key.

Thank you for your valuable input.


There are 1 best solutions below


You're mixing up the API versions - the tasks array could be used only with Jobs API 2.1, but you're using Jobs API 2.0. Another error is that you have // between host name & path.

Just change dbrks_create_job_url to "https://"+os.environ['DBRKS_INSTANCE']+""