I am using the java SDK and followed the example on:
However, using this example, for files larget than ~65MB I got the following error:
The request body is too large and exceeds the maximum permissible limit.
Any idea?
azure media services - The request body is too large and exceeds the maximum permissible limit
621 Views Asked by rogerpt At
The current version of the Media Services Java SDK has a limitation on the size of the file to upload when using the provided createBlockBlob method.
To workaround this, you can leverage the file upload through the Azure Storage Java SDK if you need to upload files larger than 64MB. To do this, update the example as follows:
1) For example, if you are using Gradle build tool, add this line to the build.gradle file under the dependencies section: (package)
2) Add the following import directives to your code:
3) Replace the following block of code of the uploadFileAndCreateAsset method
With the following block of code: