Azure publishsettings file Fails to Import Using Eclipse

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I am using my MSDN Azure subscription to try to publish a Java web site using Eclipse. I have installed the Azure SDK v2.6 and the Azure plug-in for Eclipse v0.2.0.201506041823. As part of the deployment set-up, I need to import my Publish-Settings file. I have downloaded the publish profile from the Azure portal. When I import the publishsettings file, I am getting this error: Importing filename file failed. Reason: Failed to parse file. Ensure publish settings file is valid.

Any idea what I am missing? I appreciate any suggestions.


There are 2 best solutions below


Please make sure the file you downloaded is Azure subscription publish setting, not the website publish file( Your subscription file should be named like this :

Your Subscription Name-6-15-2015-credentials.publishsettings

Like Jambor said, another method you can download file form eclipse: enter image description here

Then, you can input your Azure account and login on Azure portal, then you can download the publishsettings file:

enter image description here


Please try to use Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile command in powershell to import your publish settings file, refer to for more details, if you could get your subscription information, this issue maybe related to your java environment, else, please re-download the publish settings file.