Bad Result And Evaluation From Giza++

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I have tried to work with giza++ on window (using Cygwin compiler). I used this code:

//Suppose source language is French and target language is English

plain2snt.out  FrenchCorpus.f  EnglishCorpus.e

mkcls  -c30  -n20  -pFrenchCorpus.f  -VFrenchCorpus.f.vcb.classes  opt
mkcls  -c30  -n20  -pEnglishCorpus.e  -VEnglishCorpus.e.vcb.classes  opt
snt2cooc.out  FrenchCorpus.f.vcb  EnglishCorpus.e.vcb  FrenchCorpus.f_EnglishCorpus.e.snt >courpuscooc.cooc

GIZA++  -S  FrenchCorpus.f.vcb  -T EnglishCorpus.e.vcb -C FrenchCorpus.f_EnglishCorpus.e.snt  -m1 100  -m2 30  -mh 30  -m3 30  -m4 30  -m5 30  -p1 o.95  -CoocurrenceFile  courpuscooc.cooc -o     dictionary

But the after getting the output files from giza++ and evaluate output, I observed that the results were too bad.

My evaluation result was:

RECALL = 0.0889

PRECISION = 0.0990

F_MEASURE = 0.0937

AER = 0.9035

Dose any body know the reason? Could the reason be that I have forgotten some parameters or I should change some of them?

in other word:

first I wanted train giza++ by huge amount of data and then test it by small corpus and compare its result by desired alignment(GOLD STANDARD) , but I don't find any document or useful page in web.

can you introduce useful document?

Therefore I ran it by small courpus (447 sentence) and compared result by desired you think this is right way?

Also I changed my code as follows and got better result but It's still not good:

GIZA++ -S testlowsf.f.vcb -T testlowde.e.vcb -C testlowsf.f_testlowde.e.snt -m1 5 -m2 0 -mh 5 -m3 5 -m4 0 -CoocurrenceFile inputcooc.cooc -o dictionary -model1dumpfrequency 1 -model4smoothfactor 0.4 -nodumps 0 -nsmooth 4 -onlyaldumps 1 -p0 0.999 -diagonal yes -final yes

result of evaluation :

// suppose A is result of GIZA++ and G is Gold standard. As and Gs is S link in A And G files. Ap and Gp is p link in A and G files.

RECALL = As intersect Gs/Gs = 0.6295

PRECISION = Ap intersect Gp/A = 0.1090


AER = 1 - ((As intersect Gs + Ap intersect Gp)/(A + S)) = 0.7425

Do you know the reason?


There are 1 best solutions below


Where did you get those parameters? 100 iterations of model1?! Well, if you actually manage to run this, I strongly suspect that you have a very small parallel corpus. If so, you should consider adding more parallel data in training. And how exactly do you calculate the recall and precision measures?


With less than 500 sentences you're unlikely to get any reasonable performance. The usual way to do it is not find a larger (unaligned) parallel corpus, run GIZA++ on both together and then evaluate the small part for which you have the manual alignments. Check Europarl or MultiUN, these are freely available corpora, both contain a relatively large amount of English-French parallel data. The instructions on preparing the data can be found on the websites.