Batch file to delete all folders in a directory except the newest folder

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I am trying to delete old backups in a specific folder after a new backup has been done. As i do not really have experience with DOS commands i mashed a couple of scripts i found on the internet into one:

::(C)2008 "BuckFix"
@echo off

set workdir="M:\BACKUPS\CACHE_SSD\"
set folder=
:: get list of all folders, oldest first
dir %workdir% /AD /B /t:w /OD > %temp%folder.tmp
for /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%i in (%temp%folder.tmp) do set "folder=%%i"
del %temp%folder.tmp

::checking if its the right one...just for debugging
echo newest... %folder%

set filedir="M:\BACKUPS\CACHE_SSD\%folder%"

::delete all folders except %folder% ...but how?


So picking the newest folder works fine but i don't know how to delete all folders except that one. I think it'll just be a simple for-loop but all my attempts failed so far. It has to be a safe method as it is a backup folder and i just want to keep the most recent backup. I had delete scripts that worked but when there was only one folder it deleted that one as well. And when the directory was empty it killed the whole directory.


There are 1 best solutions below

@echo off

set "workdir=M:\BACKUPS\CACHE_SSD\"
set "folder="
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir %workdir% /AD /B /TW /O-D') do (
    set "folder=%%~fi"
    goto :break
echo newest... %folder%

for /f "skip=1 tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir %workdir% /AD /B /TW /O-D') do   (
    echo rd /s /q "%%~fi"


Test this.Actual removing command is echoed .Delete echo in echo rd /s /q "%%~fi" if everything is ok.