Bazel build failed using `rust_binary`

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I am using Bazel 7.0 to build my rust project, but when I tried to run bazel build, Bazel compiled about as following:

ERROR: /data/cbs/projects/cron/data_plane/BUILD:5:12: While resolving toolchains for target //data_plane:scheduled (7f21caa): invalid registered toolchain '@bazel_skylib//toolchains/unittest:bash_toolchain': no such package '@@bazel_skylib//toolchains/unittest': BUILD file not found in directory 'toolchains/unittest' of external repository @@bazel_skylib. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.

But the BUILD under bazel_skylib/toolchains/unittest is existed, how can I fix this? Thanks!


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