Bazel oci_pull fails on 401 for Beam Python SDK

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I want to build an Apache Beam SDK image like this:

    name = "move_data_worker_image",
    base = "@beam_python",
    entrypoint = [
    tars = [":move_data_layer"],

where the base image comes from my WORKSPACE:

    name = "beam_python",
    # 2.51.0
    digest = "sha256:af507ee3b2fc7e0ad154c9c0caafdc3c3191886cce36943f40c8f91e776f117e",
    image = "",
    # registry = "",
    # repository = "apache/beam_python3.10_sdk",

I was able to do docker pull apache/beam_python3.10_sdk:2.51.0 on the command line. But during Bazel build I get a really weird error:

@beam_python//:beam_python depends on @beam_python_single//:beam_python_single in 
repository @beam_python_single which failed to fetch. no such package '@beam_python_single//': 
fc7e0ad154c9c0caafdc3c3191886cce36943f40c8f91e776f117e returned non-success status code 401

On some research I found this un-answered stack post: Bazel's container_pull failing to pull aws-cli image which has very similar errors. So it seems like it's not Beam related. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before. Thanks!


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