Bean marked with prototype scope not working in Spring

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I have two beans, Parent and Child. Child bean I have declared as of Protoype scope.
I want new child object is used to call any child's method in the Parent class. For eg. in the below example,I want statement 1 calls method sayHi on different child object and statement 2 calls sayHi1 on different child object.

One way is to implement ApplicationContextAware and get new child object using context.getBean("") before calling any child's method. But i don't want to do that.

Is there any other alternative?

public class Parent{

    Child child;

    public void sayHello(){     
        child.sayHi();           -------------- (1)

    public void sayHello1(){    
        child.sayHi1();          --------------- (2)

public class Child{

    public void sayHi(){
        System.out.println("Hi Spring 3.0");


    public void sayHi1(){
        System.out.println("Hi1 Spring 3.0 ");      


There are 5 best solutions below


The fix is simply to mark the prototype bean as a scoped proxy, what this means is that a when you inject a bean of a smaller scope into a larger scope(like in your case where a prototype is injected into a singleton) then a proxy of the bean will be injected into the larger scope and when methods of the bean are invoked via proxy, the proxy understands the scope and will respond appropriately.

@Scope(value=BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE, proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class Child{

Here is a reference

Another option could be to use something called lookup method injection described here


Prototype scope means Spring will give you a new Child object each time you ask for one (via injection or an explicit bean retrieval from an app context). In your Parent class, you only asked for a Child once, so you only got one. If you want two different Child objects in your Parent, then autowire two:

public class Parent{

    Child child;

    Child child1;

    public void sayHello(){     

    public void sayHello1(){    

I think you have to make a new Child yourself each time or indeed use the spring context to get a fresh bean.

Spring will only create a new instance when it needs to inject something (in case of prototype). When you are in a class you are effectively out of the scope of spring.

Here is a similar post: @Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean Parts 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 are relevant.


You can't do it. After the ApplicationContext is up, only one bean will be injected into child. For each parent a new child will be created.

The thing is a parent have only one child, so your 2 methods will invoke only that child methods.

What exactly you are trying to achieve? I am sure there is a proper solution for it.


Answers are already given by others, I will include a theory which can be helpful

To turn component to prototype we do this - You probably already know this :)

Class B{ .....}

This will only help if the class B is called as .getBean(B.class) OR the class Autowiring it is also a Prototype.

Now ,suppose we do like this

    Class A{
          Class B;

Class A is singleton and it assumes every instance of class B as Singleton too : |

Now, how to tell class A that class B is Prototype?

Simple, just include proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS and class A will know that class B is Prototype !

It will look something like below :

@Scope(value=BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE, proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class B{.....}