Blazor WebAssembly - How can I add a new *.razor page that don't need to recompile or rebuild the project

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I am developing a survey project which collects data from the client with Blazor WebAssemly for the Client-side. Each survey form will have a different design and edit-checked rule. So I decide when I create a new survey form, the application will generate a new *.razor page automatically, for example, ClientSurvey.razor page. Everything works well until I navigate the web application to the ClientSurvey.razor I just have created. The system shows error:

404 Not found.

I have to rebuild the project again, and it can show the ClientSurvey.razor page on my website.
With ASP.NET MVC before I don't have to rebuild the project when I add a new aspx page. Does it still work with Blazor WebAssembly? If yes, how can I change the razor page, and it can update on my website automatically without rebuild or recompile?

And I also meet a problem that when I deploy the project in IIS, I don't see where the UI (.*razor) pages are stored, I know they are compiled to dll. How can I keep them in raw files in the same way with ASP.NET work? With ASP.NET, when I deploy it in IIS, there is always a folder to store aspx pages.

Updated: please see the figure to more clearly enter image description here


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