Boost bootstrap.bat crashes in my DOS cmd line

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I had copied the boost directory of a colleague. It was running fine out of the box as is.

But now I have a problem, I have some new code using boost.signals that compiles well but doesn't link since I don't have the libboost_signals-vc100-mt-gd-1_48.lib file in my bin directory. (I already have thread, regex and some other library binaries, but not the signals one).

So I have started looking at the Boost Install procedure so as to build Boost.Signals2

And whether I want to install Boost.Build or build Boost.Signals2, the batch script bootstraps.bat makes my MS-DOS command window crash without error message. It takes about 10 seconds to do so after writing "Bootstrapping the build engine" or "Bootstraping Boost.Build engine".

rem install Boost.Build
cd "Program Files\boost_1_48_0\boost_1_48_0"
cd tools\build\v2\.
b2 install --prefix="C:\Boost.Build"


rem build signals2
cd "Program Files\boost_1_48_0\boost_1_48_0"
./b2 signals2 variant=debug link=static threading=multi address-model=64

I don't know where to start investigating ? Any idea ? Have I forgotten something obvious ?


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