boost.proto + detect invalid terminal before building the expression tree

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I was playing with Boost.Proto, mostly for fun and to see if in future I could make some use of it in my own projects. That said, as probably most beginners of this library, i've played with a modified version of the 'lazy vector' example, but using transforms instead of contexts to perform the evaluation. The vector is defined as follows (ok, i know, 'vector' is not a good name for something defined at the global namespace scope...)

template <std::size_t D, class T>
class vector { 
    T data_[D];
    enum { dimension = D };
    // Constructors, destructors...

// expression wrapper
template <class> class vector_expr;

it is templated on the dimension and the data type, kind of boost::array (i did not use that since i'd like to overload operator= to accept expression trees, as usually done in this sort of things). I defined scalars using code from proto's manual

// scalar = everything convertible to double
struct scalar_terminal :
    proto::terminal<proto::convertible_to <double> >

// vector = everything for which the is_vector returns true_
template <class T> struct is_vector : mpl::false_ {};
template <std::size_t D, class T> struct is_vector <vector <D, T> > : mpl::true_ {};

struct vector_terminal :
    proto::and_ <
     , proto::if_<is_vector<proto::_value>()>

// domain   
struct vector_domain
    : proto::domain <proto::generator <vector_expr> >

// expression wrapper
template <class Expr>
struct vector_expr : proto::extends <Expr, vector_expr <Expr>, vector_domain>
    typedef proto::extends <Expr, vector_expr <Expr>, vector_domain> base_type;

    // Construct from expression (enough to compile)
    vector_expr (Expr const &e) : base_type (e) {}

// Bring in operators
BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_OPERATORS(is_vector, vector_domain)

Now, the first thing i wanted to do is: check if all vector terminals in an expression have the same dimension D. I ended up with the following working code

// a meta-function that returns the vector dimension
template <class T>
struct vector_dim
    typedef mpl::int_ <T::dimension> type;

// a meta-function that combines dimensions from subtrees. int<-1> means
// that sub-trees store vectors of differing static dimension. No good.
template <class D1, class D2>
struct dim_combine
   typedef mpl::int_ < -1 > type;

// ok, dimensions are the same, propagate up the value
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <D, D>
   typedef D type;

// 0 is used to mark scalars. It is ok to mix vectors and scalars
// but propagate up the vector dimension only. This is for vector
// on the left and scalar on the right.
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <D, mpl::int_ <0> >
   typedef D type;

// this is for scalar on the left, vector to the right of some 
// binary operator.
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <mpl::int_ <0>, D>
   typedef D type;

// need this too to avoid ambiguity between the two specializations
// above when D is int_ <0>. Even if this combination should never
// happen
template <>
struct dim_combine <mpl::int_ <0>, mpl::int_<0> >
   typedef mpl::int_<0> type;

// A transform that check that all arrays have the same dimension
struct vec_dim_check
    : proto::or_ <
        proto::when <
          , vector_dim<proto::_value>()
      , proto::when <
          , boost::mpl::int_<0>()
      , proto::when <
            proto::nary_expr<_, proto::vararg<_> >
          , proto::fold<_, boost::mpl::int_<0>(), dim_combine<vec_dim_check, proto::_state>()>

template <class E>
void check_dim (E const&)
    typedef typename boost::result_of<vec_dim_check(E)>::type type;
    BOOST_ASSERT(type::value == 3);

int main (int, char**)
    vector <3,double> a,b,c;
    check_dim (2*a+b/c);
    return 0;

The question is: since the dimension of the arrays is already encoded in the expression, then it should be possible to detect invalid combination already at compile time. It should be even possible to avoid creating the tree in the first place. How is this achieved ?

Thanks in advance, best regards


There are 1 best solutions below


Very nice. Now you need to define a grammar that only accepts valid vector expressions something like this:

struct vector_grammar_untyped
  : proto::or_<
        proto::nary_expr<proto::_, proto::vararg<vector_grammar_untyped> >

struct vector_grammar
  : proto::and_<
        proto::if_<mpl::not_equal_to< mpl::int_<-1>, vec_dim_check >()>

Then, you change your definition of vector_domain as follows:

struct vector_domain
    : proto::domain <proto::generator <vector_expr>, vector_grammar >

That should keep you from creating expressions that don't pass your custom type-checking. The second template parameter to proto::domain is the grammar to which all expressions in that domain must conform.

Disclaimer: The above code is untested, but it should get you moving in the right direction.